Page 25 of Muff

“I think she’s in shock,” Ciara says, her voice soft.“Let’s get her inside.”

Step by step, I move toward the hotel, but nothing feels real.My body is working, but my mind has shut down.All I can see is her face, her beautiful, perfect face.He was looking at her, talking to her, and I could see something in his eyes.I watched them for a minute before I interrupted, and I noticed that he gave her a look I thought he only reserved for me.

He loves her.

His wife.


Does this mean we’re not legally married?

I don’t know anything.

All I know is that tonight, I lost the love of my life.

To another woman.

The worst part?He didn’t even cheat.

But he did lie, and that feels right now like it hurts the same.

“Come on,” Addison murmurs, her hand on my shoulder as she leads me into the room.

“Muff is trying to call me,” Serenity whispers, but that has my head whipping up.

“Do not answer him,” I say, my voice harsh but low.“None of you.Promise me.”

“Tell us what happened.”Ciara squats down in front of me, her yellow eyes scanning my face.“We need to understand.”

“Muff has a wife.That woman his wife.”

Her eyes widen as her head whips in the direction of Serenity and Addison, who both look equally as shocked.

“What?”Ciara whispers.“What do you mean he has a wife?”

“That’s who she is,” I growl, staring down at my trembling hands.

“I don’t understand,” Serenity shakes her head.“Nobody ever mentioned he had a wife.”

“That’s because nobody knows,” I mutter.“It’s a big fucking secret.”

Addison shakes her head.“That makes no sense.Why wouldn’t he tell us?”

“He thought she was dead.”

My voice is low, and saying those words only makes the confusion worse.

“What?”Serenity looks confused.

“That’s what he told me,” I mutter.“He thought she was dead.It doesn’t matter, though, does it?He lied to me, all along he lied.Then when he found out, he lied.He looked me in the fucking eye, and he lied.Now, he’s confused.He doesn’t know what he wants.”

“Oh, honey,” Serenity quickly moves toward me, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling me into her arms.“I am so sorry.”

“He’s everything,” I gasp, and then the tears flow, pouring down my cheeks as a pain unlike anything I have ever felt consumes me.“He is the love of my life, the father of my child, he is all I ever wanted, and I thought we were forever ...”

“He’s just in shock.We don’t know the full story, and I’m sure with time, he’ll come home.”

“It’s over,” I pull away from her, shaking my head as anger replaces the hurt.“He’s not coming home.”