Page 23 of Muff

We sit down at a booth and a waiter comes over, taking our drink order.Once he’s gone, Harper leans on the table, putting her chin in her hands as she stares across at me, her eyes soft.“So tell me, you’re part of a motorcycle club now.That’s pretty intense.”

I shrug.“When I lost you, I didn’t have much left.Without you and Charlie, felt like my world was crumblin’, so I left and met a guy who ran a club.We hit it off and he patched me in.Never looked back.”

Her eyes sadden at the thought of Charlie.

“Gosh, I would do anything to hear his laugh one more time.I’ll never stop missing him.”

Charlie was the very best of the human race, and the day he died of that horrible accident, is a day I’ll never forget.

“Yeah,” I grunt.“I miss him, too.”

“The lady you’re seeing, is it serious?”

Well, I fuckin’ married her so I’d say yeah.

Meeting her gaze, I nod.“Got a son with her.”

Her eyes widen.“You have a son?”

I pull out my phone, bringing up a picture of Max and Ebony, then I slide it toward her.She takes it in, her eyes sliding over the picture, a range of emotions on her face.“He’s just perfect, Brian.Who is the little girl?”

“My stepdaughter, Ebony.”

“You really have settled down,” she whispers, sliding the phone back to me.

“Yeah,” I grunt, reaching for the beer the waiter puts down and taking a few, deep gulps.


The familiar voice has the beer pausing at my lips, and everything inside me going cold as I turn my gaze in the direction it came from to see Janine standing, her eyes wide and full of hurt, as she looks down at the table where Harper and I sit.She followed me?Of course she fuckin’ followed me.She can see straight through me and she would never believe my lie, because I have never lied to her before.

“Jaybird,” I say, putting the beer down.“Not what you think.”

“It’s not?”she croaks, her voice breaking as pain washes over her face.“I’m not sure how you’d explain this one away, Muff.”

“Muff?”Harper murmurs, confused.

“Listen,” I cut in, before she can say anything else, “I’ll explain everything, just not here.”

“You lied to me.”Janine laughs, bitterly.“You told me you were going to help out someone who lost a family member.All along, you were talking to another woman.”

“Janine,” I grind out.The entire restaurant has stopped to turn and watch.

“Who is she?”

Janine turns to Harper, who is watching us with wide eyes, but I can see sympathy and understanding behind them.She isn’t a monster, and she would never want me to hurt Janine, but at the same time, she knows that what we had is important.

“I’m Harper,” she says, softly.“His wife.”



The color washes away from Janine’s face as she processes what she just heard.Her eyes swing to me, the pain in their depths almost crippling.It’s as if I’ve stabbed her a thousand times over.The betrayal is something I know she’ll never recover from.It fucking burns me to see the tears welling in her eyes as they turn glassy, and she looks at me like I’ve just upended her entire life.

“Wife?”she croaks out, pressing a hand to her chest.

“Jaybird,” I say, pushing to my feet.“It ain’t what you think.I thought she was dead.It’s a long story and ...”