Page 15 of Muff

I’m completely fucked.

“Hi, stranger,” she whispers, and my entire body jerks in response.“Long time no see.”

What the hell am I going to do now?

5 – Janine


Ever since the police officers came to our door, he hasn’t returned.

I’ve called the club.

I’ve called everyone I can think of.

Nobody knows where he is.

Nobody knows what’s happening.

I’ve never felt a fear like it in all my life.An unwavering clenching of my chest that I can’t escape, no matter how much I pace the house, my eyes on the door, waiting for it to open.What if he’s had an accident?What if he’s hurt?Or worse?Jackson has the guys out looking for him, but that does nothing to calm my nerves.

The front door opens, and my head whips in that direction, eyes on the opening, praying he’ll step inside.He doesn’t, instead, Serenity and Addison step in, their faces washed with concern as they close the door behind them.My shoulders sag and my head drops, the emotions inside me almost bringing me to breaking point.

“Oh, honey.”Serenity rushes over, throwing her arms around me.“We’re going to find him.”

I should tell them the truth, because if I don’t, they could spend hours looking in all the wrong places.Something happened when he was delivered that envelope and whatever it was, it has sent him into a frenzy.I don’t know how much the club knows about it, but if it really is club business, then they should be aware of it.Right?

If they’re not, then I know he lied.

The thought that he lied to me is crushing.

“There’s something I didn’t tell you,” I croak, pulling back, fighting the urge to cry.

Serenity glances at Addison, who steps forward, offering me a warm smile.“Talk to us.”

I tell them about the police officers coming by and how they delivered an envelope to him.I tell them how his mood immediately changed and his eyes became haunted, like he had seen a ghost.Both girls glance at each other when I’m done, and I can see the concern in their eyes.They’re thinking what I am – that whatever was in that envelope is something bad.