Page 13 of Muff

Pausing, I look over at him, my fists balled by my sides as I take in his hard expression.Spike has always been good to me, and he’s someone I’ve come to respect a hell of a lot.When he started his club, he welcomed me with open arms and always treated me like a brother, but when it comes to this secret, not even he can help me.

“Can’t help me with this,” I grind out.

“Wouldn’t know if you don’t tell me.”

I hold his gaze.“Can’t tell you.Not until I deal with it.”

“Does it affect the club?”

I shake my head, harshly.

“Janine safe?”

For now.

“Yeah,” I mutter.“It’s personal, but ...”

I am cut off when Ciara walks into the pool room, carrying her usual happy smile, bubbly and a ray of sunshine.Spike should think himself lucky for jagging her, because lord knows he’s a stubborn fuck of a man and she brings out the best in him.Ciara’s eyes swing to me, and her smile quickly fades.

That’s the problem with these women, they can read you like a fuckin’ book.That’s not a good thing, because holding this lie is going to be hard when they can see straight through me.I don’t want any of them to get suspicious, figure it out, or go to Janine because then I have to explain that I kept a secret from her, and on top of that, I’m lying to her.

“Uh oh, are you okay, Muff?”

“Club business, baby,” Spike murmurs, catching her around the waist and pulling her close.

“But he looks sad.”She frowns.“Muff is always happy.”


Spike’s tone is filled with warning, and Ciara knows well enough to listen.She challenges him on most things, but when it comes to the club, she knows her place.Huffing, she pulls away from him and glances over at me.“You know where I am if you want to talk, Muff.I promise I’m a better listener than him.”She jabs a finger at Spike.

I give her the best smile I can muster up.“Thanks, princess.”

That seems to take away her concerned expression, but she still stares at me skeptically before finally turning and leaving.

Spike takes a step toward me.“Beer?”

I would love nothing more than to go and drink this problem away, but, right now, I have no other choice but to deal with it.I’ve been given a time, a time to go and ...see.To see my past.To see the one thing I thought was gone.To see the woman who I gave my heart to a long fucking time ago, but I thought she was dead.

I was so sure.

When she went missing ...Fuck ...How could I be so wrong?

And what the hell am I going to do now?


“COME ON, BRIAN.”HARPERgrins, waving her hairbrush in my face.“You know I’m good with hair, and you’ll look so handsome when I’m done.”

I grunt.“Not a fucking chance.Touch my hair, and I’ll put you over my knee.”

Giggling, she lurches forward, and I catch her, pulling her onto my lap.She stares down at me with those perfect blue eyes, her face framed by her straw-colored hair that curls around her chin.She’s fucking beautiful, and I’ve spent every damned day of my life looking at her and praying for this very moment.When she finally agreed to be mine, my world became complete.

But Harper lives a dangerous life.

Her parents are the town’s biggest drug dealers, and her dad runs a gang that I, for one, would never cross.

How they created this innocent, beautiful child, I’ll never know.