Page 71 of Lips Like Sugar

“I am fantastic. You’ll never believe what just happened to me.”

“Did it involve a sleeve of beef?”

This laugh was much louder. “That is actually really, really funny.”

Leaving herself a note to order more cherries, she said, “Well, are you going to tell me?”

“I will, but first, when’s the last time anyone told you how beautiful you are?”

Yep. She was definitely going to have to masturbate again. “You. Yesterday.”

“Are you blushing?”

“No,” she lied, placing a hand over her flushed cheek.

“You are. I can tell.”

“You can not.”

“Can too.”


“I can hear it in your voice,” he told her. “I can almost see it. That pink cheek you’re trying to hide behind your fingers. And I love it when you wear your hair up like that.”

Her hand floated up to touch her high pony. “My hair? How—”

“I remember wrapping my hand around that ponytail once. And I like that sweatshirt too.”

She looked down at her favorite gray sweatshirt.

“You were wearing it the last time I saw you.”

Her heart reeled back, then launched itself into her throat. “Cole?”


“How do you know what I’m wearing?”

There was a smile in his voice when he said, “Magic.”

She glanced around the bakery, like he might be hiding behind the hot cross buns. “What’s going on? Are you…” Leaning across the counter to look out through the windows, she stumbled sideways, the planet shifting on its axis. “Oh my god.”

“Hey, sugar.” He waved once, smirking at her, existing ten feet away from where she stood. He was here. He washere, leaning against his Volvo, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, his legs crossed at his ankles.

She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. She could barely breathe.

With his phone still pressed to his ear, he stepped up to her door. When he slid his sunglasses into his hair, his lips curving into a full, unguarded, life-altering smile, her hand flew up to cover her mouth.

“Can I come in? The sign says CLOSED.”

She only stared at him, unblinking, her eyes stinging.


Lowering her hand, she rasped, “How?” every molecule of air rushing out of her lungs at once.

“Let me in.” He placed his palm flat on the glass. “Please.”