Page 54 of Lips Like Sugar

Mira: How long were you two together?

Cole: On and off for about 25 years.

Mira: That is a very long time to be with someone who wasn’t good to you. Are you okay?

Cole: I wasn’t. I was kind of a mess because of her for years. But I’m finally seeing our relationship more clearly, the gaslighting, the way she withheld affection, her refusal to ever really commit to me or to our family. Even so, I try to at least be civil with her, because of Becks, because she uses the studio. But these days, I gotta say, I wouldn’t mind having less Nancy in my life.

Mira: If Paul still lived in town, I’d probably hire a private investigator to follow him around just so I wouldn’t accidentally run into him.

Cole: Haha. I wish!

Mira: But you can’t avoid Nancy, because you’ve got Becks.

Cole: Yeah. But even if we didn’t, Nancy is Seattle. She’s everywhere here. There’s no separating the two.

Mira: It’s such a challenge, being surrounded by your past all the time.

Cole: That’s funny. Madigan said something similar to me before I left Red Falls. And now I can’t stop thinking about it.

Mira: Madigan is very wise.

Cole: That he is.

May 28,9:53pm

Cole: Hi Mira

Mira: Hi Cole

Cole: I was thinking about you today. I mean, I think about you every day, but today in particular.

Mira: I think about you every day too (deleted)

Mira: Oh?

Cole: I was driving to the marina, and I realized, even though it’s your heart song, I never asked if you’d been sailing before.

Mira: I’ve always wanted to, but I never have. People sail on Flathead Lake all the time, and it always looks so peaceful.

Cole: It’s not always peaceful on the ocean, but I think you’d love it.

Mira: Remember how you said you’ve never camped? Don’t judge me, but I’ve never dipped a single toe in the ocean.

Cole: *gasping*

Mira: I know.

Cole: How about you take me camping, and I’ll take you sailing?

Mira: Deal.

May 29,8:42am

Mira: Hi Cole

Cole: Hi Mira

Mira: If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?