Page 37 of Land of Ashes

Vasile poured more into my empty cup, probably believing my anxiety came from the night we had. To be fair, that was part of it, but being in a life-or-death situation was part of daily life when you had a brother like Warwick. The only time I had peace in my life, living a more standard tree fairy life, was when he was in the fae prison,Halálház.

Was I content and happy during those quiet years? I thought so. Tending to my herbs, growing food in my garden, sipping tea, and meditating with nature. It was what I was born to do. Yet when Warwick stepped back into my life, dropping a wounded girl on my table and flipping my life from peaceful to chaotic, I felt myself come to life again, especially when Lucas and Kek weaved themselves into my world. I wasn’t a normal tree fairy. I was never at peace when life was quiet and tranquil.

“Please sit.” Anca bade me, bringing the pot of soup to the table and grabbing the warm bread while Vasile placed down bowls and spoons for us.

I heard myself mutter my thanks again, realizing this was the most I had uttered that word in a very long time. The notion had me dropping back another mug of brandy, hoping to clear out my conscience, kill any thoughts that connected my brain to it.

Ladling warm soup into our bowls, Vasile passed the bread around, pouring me another cup oftuica.

Anca hummed to herself, getting the little food and drink they had to share with us. She motioned for us to dig into our delicious meals.

The creamy chicken exploded on my tongue, the homemade food causing a groan to bubble up. The brandy and soup filled my chest and stomach with warmth.

Pausing, I watched Scarlet eat, her cheeks flushing with the heat of the fire, her lids crushing together with delight as the flavors slid down her throat to her empty stomach. An overwhelming wave of protectiveness for her overwhelmed me, along with gratitude for these people who took us in without caring about our crimes.

Without thinking, I brushed back strands of Scarlet’s hair that had fallen in her face, tucking them behind her ear. Her eyes darted to me and I felt them pierce me, jerking my hand back at the intimacy I felt between us.

“You good?” I cleared my head of any thoughts going past me, being courteous. Tree fairies were very touchy people, so it didn’t mean anything.

She swallowed, nodding her head. I could see exhaustion creeping up on her, preparing to take her.

“Eat.” I pushed the bread to her, turning my attention back to the couple, not liking how her green eyes bore into mine.

Once again, I noticed it wasn’t only me whose attention she captured. Anca’s eyes kept darting to her throughout dinner, an odd expression fluttering over her features.

Aware of my gaze, Anca dropped them from Scarlet, shaking her head.

“Scuze.”She blushed at being caught. “I can’t get over how familiar she looks.” She leaned on her elbow, her focus back on Scarlet. “Doesn’t she, Vasile?” His mouth full of bread, he bobbed his head in agreement. She tapped at her lip, her eyes brightening. “O da… You look so much like—”

“I have that face.” Scarlet pushed her mostly eaten bowl away. “This is delicious, Anca. Thank you. But do you have a bathroom I can use?”

“Oh, yes!” Anca leaped up, as if she couldn’t believe she didn’t think of it first. “I’m sure you’d like to get cleaned up and into something warm to sleep in. I can place your clothes by the fire to dry.” She talked quickly. “This way.”

I got up, helping Scarlet to her feet.

“I’m fine.” She moved away without looking at me, tottering after Anca down the small hallway.

Lowering myself back into the chair, my attention still on where Scarlet disappeared, a sensation I quickly shoved away prickled at my gut.

“She needs to get the goblin metal off her arm so she can heal.” Vasile leaned back in his chair. “Otherwise she is going to get sicker and sicker.” I could hear the implication. The warning.

“I know.” I clutched my mug, taking another deep sip. “I’m thankful to you and your wife that she is fed and warm.” I directed my sentiment at him.

“Anca and I are taking a huge risk.”

“Yes. I know.”

“What is happening in this country… we are against it. We feel helpless. So maybe this is my way of fighting back.” Vasile nestled deeper into the chair in contemplation. “Helping those running from the regime. And there is something about you two…” He sighed heavily. “My land has fought the perils of dictators before, and we have persisted, even with the rise of authoritarianism after the fae war. Though this time feels different. Lazar’s cruelty is different.”

“It is.” I nodded. “Because I don’t think it’s Lazar who’s in charge anymore.”

Vasile looked at me, no surprise in his features, as if I was confirming something he might already have known.

“I believe he is used as a puppet by a powerful fae. Sonya.”

“Sonya?” Vasile’s eyes widen. “The fae leader who tried to take Budapest?”

Anger and guilt burned in the back of my eyes, picturing her face slicing through Kek’s neck, the glee as blood sprayed over her. My lover dropping to the ground.