Page 111 of Land of Ashes

“I asked them to. They did it to protect me.”

“Wait… what?” Disbelief rammed into me. “Why?” She shifted on her heels, not answering me. “Why would you do that, Raven?” I practically yelled.

“I had to, okay?”

“Had to?”

“Because I am a murderer!”

A barked laugh came up my throat. “That’s why? Because you accidentally killed a guy during sex? I have known a lot of murderers in my time, and you are not one of them. It was an accident.”

“It wasn’t.” Emotion flashed in her eyes.

“You are not capable of murdering someone.”

“You have no idea what I am capable of. What I am.”

“So you keep telling me,” I shouted, getting an inch from her face. “Take it off. Let’s see what you got.” I knocked at my chest. “Show me who you really are.”

“You don’t want that,” she insisted.

“Why?” I challenged, getting even closer. “What are you hiding?” I reached for her arm. “Why doesn’t the goblin metal affect you as it does other fae?”

“Because it’s not just goblin metal.” The Vâlve spoke instead, wrenching my head to her and then back to Raven. “There’smoreyou need to suppress.”

Raven appeared ashen, terror stilling her in place.

“What?” I knew the ground under me was gone, but I had yet to fall. “What does she mean? What else are you hiding from me?” I gnashed my teeth at Raven, feeling like the girl I had spent so much time with was nothing but a stranger to me. “What the fuck are you?”

“Yes, Raven. Why don’t you tell usallwhat type of murderous beast you are?” A woman’s voice came from behind, spinning me around.

Fuck. I recognized the blonde woman pointing a gun at us. Eve. And the Russian Mafia was right behind her. My stomach dropped in my throat, my hand reaching for my weapon.

“I wouldn’t do that.” Eve wiggled her gun at me as the Russians spread out, their weapons on us. “Hands up.”

Neither Raven nor I moved, my attention moving around, trying to see every player, every possible escape. I noticed Talyssa had disappeared; a spirit allows very few to see her real form.

“I said hands up,” the blonde woman demanded, her gun clicking.

Slowly I let go of my weapon, not willing to put Raven’s life in danger, my arms rising.

“Still ignoring my orders, Raven?” Eve moved in closer, a sneer centered on the girl behind me.

“I tend to disregard those who murder their own friends in cold blood,” Raven snarled.

“There are always casualties in war. Reid sadly was a sacrifice which had to be made.”

Three men circled me, stripping me of my weapons, the other two searching Raven.

“But really, it was your fault. If you just stuck to the approved plan that night, listened to me, things might have been different.”

Approved plan? I peeked over my shoulder at Raven, wondering what else she had kept from me.

At one time, I had wanted to keep my distance from her, not get personal, know nothing about her. I thought I had her all figured out. A rich, bored, college coed, looking for a bit of an adventure. The joke was on me.

“Reid trusted you.” Raven fumed with anger and betrayal. “My family andItrusted you. You’ve been with us for years.” She shook her head in confusion. “How could you?”

“Gods, what a spoiled, privileged child you are. Unaware of true hardship out in the world.” The woman sneered. “The mindless days I had to stand there while you shopped, had lunch at exclusive boutique restaurants, and cry about the same boy, over and over while getting texts from movie stars and models. Getting away with actual murder while everyone covers for you. Poor Raven…” She pushed out her lip mockingly. “Life was so cruel… while I was sold as a Russian child bride to some human in the States when I was ten. No one cared about those little girls, did they?”