Page 109 of Land of Ashes

I hesitated, recalling the curse she put on Vasile.

The metal darted within a foot of us in a threat.

“Vasile sent us.”

“Vasile?” She heaved in anger. Her hazy silhouette faded, but her anger sharpened so vividly it slashed through the air, magic cracking at the walls, dropping more pebbles down on us. Her arms went out, freeing the gold pieces.

“Raven!” Shoving her behind me, I felt the gold graze past my head and body, the metal in the air kissing my skin as it whizzed by, but it never hit.

“How dare you utter his name,” she seethed.

“I know he hurt you,” I yelled, my hands up. “I know he is sorry.” Of all things to say, it was the worst to utter.

A scream belted from her, the ground vibrating like an earthquake, and the deafening pitch boomed through me as if the earth had broken open. A rainstorm of rock showered down on us, scrambling me to Raven, pulling us against a bolder, covering her body with mine.

“How dare you enter here.” Sharp rocks slashed at my skin, dumping down on us, my bones cracking under the weight of each hit. With a pained groan, I curled tighter around Raven. “Your bones will be nothing but dust. This is your burial ground.” Blood dripped from the back of my head, my teeth gritting together, trying to ignore the pain.

A growl vibrated from under me, pulling my gaze to see Raven’s nose flare as if she could smell my blood, her dirt-streaked face pinched with fury.

“No,” Raven’s guttural tone ground out, something flashing in her eyes. She pushed out from under me.

“Raven, no!”

“Stop!” Raven screamed, standing up, the power of her demand pulsing through the room, ramming into my chest, stealing my breath.What the fuck?

The Vâlve halted. She stared at Raven with incredulity, but I could see the anger building back behind her eyes.

“Stop it.” Raven stepped toward her. “Do not let a man have this power over you.”

Talyssa paused, blinking at Raven.

“Don’t continue to live with this anger and hate when he’s moved on. Living his life.”

Talyssa’s shoulders went back, her outline sharpening.

“You made him pay for what he did.”

“Not enough,” Talyssa sneered. “He said he loved me and he would never leave when all he did was use me, betray, and steal from me.”

“Yes.” Raven nodded in sympathy, her eyes sliding back to me. “Men suck.”

“Hey,” I huffed, slowly standing up and wiping the blood from my head.

“Why do you let him have such power over you?” Raven continued, ignoring me. “You get your power back when you no longer let him hold it.”

Talyssa’s form stiffened, though her outline stopped pulsing with angry energy. “He needs to be punished for the rest of his days.”

“He will be.” Raven swallowed. “You made sure of that. When she dies, he will feel the endless pain and ultimate agony of losing a mate, eventually succumbing to death himself.” She spoke with authority, as if she knew what it felt like. “No one should have to go through that kind of agony.”

Jealousy sank into my bones, painting my vision. My hand curled up into a ball with rage. Did she have that with her ex? Was he her mate? Was that why she couldn’t get over him?

Talyssa’s attention swiveled to me as if she could feel my temper change. Watching me closely, her gray eyes went straight through me as ifIwere the apparition.

Some spirits had the ability to perceive far more than what our eyes could, see deeper into us and the world. Things we might want to keep hidden.

I didn’t want to know what she could see in me.

“Youdidn’tcome here to steal…” A realization tilted her head, her soundless steps floating closer to me. “You are here forher.” She looked back at Raven. When her eyes turned to me, they had an awareness that twisted her lips, almost telling meI see you. I see the truth.