Page 29 of Land of Ashes

The refreshment cart was rundown, barely anything there, yet it was filled with people. No one was really speaking, just quietly drinking. A heaviness blanketed the room, all of us very aware in less than two hours, we’d be in hostile territory.

“Two double whiskeys,” I told the bartender.You shouldn’t drink. You need all your wits about you. I yelled at myself, wanting my mouth to open, to just get the one for Scarlet. Yet the words never ventured out before the server set two cups on the table in front of me. It would be fine. Plus, I was feeling the crash from the drug this morning starting to hit. I needed the filter to lessen it.

Downing mine, I turned, going back for steerage.

My lungs eased when I stepped back in, seeing her alone in the exact spot I left her. She seemed to attract trouble as much as I did.

Strolling up to her, I stopped at her boots. Her lids were shut, her knees up to her chest, her head tipped against the wall. I stared down at her bare face. Bundled up in fabric, she looked so tiny. Freckles dusted her nose and cheeks, her porcelain skin not yet clear of bruises and cuts. She was young, but she didn’t seemasyoung as when I first met her. I could sense grit and strength in her.

My soul might be dead, but I could still see. The girl was stop-in-your-tracks stunning. Breathtakingly pretty. Though looks meant nothing to me. I’d lived way too long to care what was on the outside and not the inside. Humans put way too much praise and worship on pretty people, like only caring that your house had a nice exterior while the inside was crumbling and rotting.

She shocked me at every turn, messing with my head just when I thought I had her pegged.

“Sometimes I watch. Sometimes he does. But most of the time, I join in with him and our plaything. I enjoy being in the middle.”

Her statement flashed through my head, forcing me to suck through my nose, my cock twitching. I quickly shoved out the thought, my shoulders rising.

“Here,” I grunted and shoved the cup at her, her lashes flying open in surprise. Her bright green eyes lifted to mine, and they felt like they were looking through me, seeing every fucked-up thing inside me.

“Drink it.”

She lifted her hand, taking the cup from me. “Thanks.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, anger lashing out. “I guess you got what you wanted.” I tossed out my arms.

She watched me, sipping down the whiskey, causing my blood to stir more.

“You think I planned it that way?”

“Might as well have.” I sounded irrational to my ears, but I couldn’t stop. “You wanted to come to Romania with meno matter what.Thinking this is what you do. Push and push until you get your way.”


“Do you get what might happen to you?” I growled, not caring that I was causing a commotion. “What it’s like there? Your fight training doesn’t matter there. You live in a rich little bubble, thinking nothing really can happen to you. And now I’ll have to carry your death too.”

Her shoulders went back, a realization blinking across her face. My mouth slammed shut, knowing I had said too much. Awkward silence hung between us for a few moments.

She set her empty cup to the side, her hand reaching up for mine, her cheek twitching from the stretch. “Ash. Sit.” Her fingers laced with mine, tugging me down with her.

Giving in, I let her pull me down, my shoulders lining up with hers against the wall. I pulled up my knees, laying my arms over them.

“Unless you want to toss my ass off this moving train,,,” she muttered, her voice sounding exhausted. “We’re in this together.”

That was what I was afraid of.

Romania was now enemy territory under a violent military dictatorship. After the battle with Istvan, where power fell back into Killian’s hands, Prime Minister Lazar secured the border, taking up even more control and power of the country for himself. To the point, the people of Romania could not even utter a criticism of their leader for fear they would be murdered. It was hostile land for locals and fatal for outsiders.

Deep down, I doubted it was Lazar who had taken this on himself. The man was smart, but the extremes he was going to made me think he was just a puppet in this. It was Sonya who was the shadow ruler. I had no doubt wherever she was, Iain would be, which was where I would be too.

“I’m sorry you’re mad at me.” Her lids fluttered, her body wanting to sleep.

“Get some rest,” I said. “We have a few hours.”

“Okay,” she muttered, her head falling on my shoulder.

My lungs hitched. Slowly, I let out a hefty breath, settling against the wall so she was more comfortable.

“And I’m not mad at you,” I whispered, my cheek brushing the top of her head.I’m scared. Scared meant I cared, which was something I promised myself I would never be again.