Page 103 of Darkest Sins

“Umm . . . Is that necessary?”

“Yes.”Crack. A greater intensity of screaming. “I don’t have a rope to tie him up. Can’t risk having him flee after he tried to kill you. I intend to question him when we get back.”

“I’m not sure he’ll be alive that long.”

“He will.” Kai lets go of the broken limb and it hits the ground, then grabs the man by the back of his jacket, turninghim over. “I made sure to only fix his joints. No open fractures. I’m saving those for our chat.”

I look down at the shooter. There isn’t enough light to clearly see his features, so I take a closer step and gasp. “Armando?”

A pained whimper is the only answer I get before Armando’s eyes roll back and he loses consciousness.

“The trunk, cub.”

I nod and run toward Kai’s car.

Two back duffle bags—the size of regular gym gear—are occupying the space of the trunk, but when I grab the first to move it, I barely manage to shift it. I open the zipper to have a look inside and gape. It’s full of ammunition boxes. The second bag has more ammunition, along with several various caliber guns.

“Oh. I forgot about those,” Kai says next to me. “I’ll just put them on the back seat.”

He adjusts his hold on unconscious Armando, propping the limp body under his left arm, and moves the bags. Clearing off space in the cargo area, Kai dumps my capo into the void as if the man is nothing but a rag doll, adjusts the broken limbs, and slams the trunk closed.

“I can’t believe it was Armando,” I say, staring at the closed trunk. “If it was Brio or Primo, I would have understood. They kept saying that having a woman leading the Family is a disgrace to Cosa Nostra.”

“Well, it looks like they are happy with your leadership, no matter what they’ve been saying. I’ll still off them for talking shit to you, though.” He cups my cheek in his palm and smiles. “Are you absolutely sure you want to let your stepbrother take over?”

“Yes. And you won’t touch Brio or Primo.”

Kai’s smile widens. “Okay. I won’t touch them.”

His hair came loose at some point during the skirmish and is falling haphazardly around his face. The bluish glow is bathing his rugged features, and glints reflect off raindrops sliding down his chin. I haven’t even noticed it started raining. Or that the control tower must have turned on the airfield lights.

He saved my life.


“So . . .” I choke out. “Does this mean it’s over?”

“We’ll know for sure once I question him. But, probably, yeah. If there was anyone else involved, they wouldn’t have sent a junkie to do the job.” He pulls my lips between his teeth. “Still, I’ll make sure the security on the property is even tighter tonight, just in case. You and Lucia will be safe.”

I grip the front of Kai’s shirt and jump into his arms. Our mouths collide in a storm of bites and kisses. His hands grab my ass, depositing me onto the lid of the trunk, and I cry out when my bare skin contacts the cold slippery surface.

“I’m afraid this will have to wait. Wouldn’t want that beautiful pussy of yours to catch a cold now.” He takes my bottom lip between his, sucking on it as he lifts me back into his arms. A few steps, and he lowers me onto the passenger seat, then takes off his suit jacket and drapes it over me. “Better?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

Kai rounds the car to take a seat behind the wheel. The tires squeal as he reverses and floors the gas pedal, driving toward the highway.

Just two people heading home after work.

With a guest in the trunk whimpering over his broken limbs.

* * *

“Please show Mr. Mazur to the basement,” I tell Timoteo when he opens the door.

The butler’s gaze glides behind me and his eyes bulge out as they stop on Kai, who stands with Armando’s body thrown over his shoulder as if it’s a potato sack.

“Most certainly,” the butler croaks. “Please follow me, sir.”