“You’re dealing with Dushku,” he says as if it’s reason enough. Why would Ajello have objections to an assuredly prosperous collaboration only because of our ties with the Albanian syndicate is beyond me, but Massimo is obviously aware.
“I cut all ties with Dushku months ago. We’re not doing any business with them anymore.”
Ajello raises an eyebrow. “Any specific reason for that?”
“We have a new supplier now.” I shrug, intending to leave it at that. Ajello doesn’t need to know that Massimo is the one pulling the strings or that he ordered me to break from Dushku.
“Interesting. So, where will you be getting the guns and ammunition in the future?”
“From Drago Popov.”
A dangerous spark ignites in Ajello’s eyes. “A moment, please.”
He reaches inside his suit jacket. My eyes snap to Kai where he stands on the other side of the restaurant, thrusting his hand behind his back.
No. I mouth and shake my head.
“Do tell your watchdog to relax,” Ajello says offhandedly as he takes out his phone and presses it to his ear. “If I wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead.”
I gape at him. Does the man have eyes on the back of his head?
“Sienna,” Ajello says into the phone. “Looks like you forgot to mention that your husband is doing business with the Boston faction now.”
A high-pitched female voice explodes on the other side of the line. I don’t catch what she says, but she sounds rather cheerful—until she suddenly stops talking.
“I told you what I think about your spying schemes, Ajello!” A growly male voice booms from the phone’s speaker. The man is yelling so loud I can hear every single word. “If you have a question for me, you know where to find me. Call my wife again, and I’ll rip off your fingers and shove them up your ass. Maybe then you’ll figure out what buttons to press!”
The line goes dead. I blink in confusion, staring at Ajello while he puts away his phone. He has a barely detectable smirk on his face.
“It’s confirmed, it seems,” he says. “I wish you luck in doing business with Popov’s group, Nera. You’re going to need it.”
“A bunch of crazy savages, every one of them. But they are the best at what they do. Unfortunately.” He rises from his chair. “Since Massimo has the Albanians out of the picture, I’m happy to discuss business. Tell your stepbrother I expect a call from him when he gets out and takes the reins.”
I stare at his retreating back. How the fuck does he know that? Ajello’s phone rings while he’s still in earshot and I catch his response.
“No, Milene. We’re not getting another cat. Two is more than enough . . . No, we’re not getting a hamster, either . . . I know they are small. It’s still ano, cara mia . . . Yes, I’m a very bad person. Love you, too.”
Chapter 37
“Stop,” Kai barks, standing at the plane’s door, looking out on the runway.
I halt immediately, bumping into his back. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure, but I have a bad feeling.” He takes out his gun. “Clown A. Go get my car.”
“Please don’t call my security ‘clowns,’” I grumble as he hands his car key to the man in question.
“Take off your coat and give it to Clown B. Put on his jacket.”
I follow his order and quickly exchange my coat with the security guy. He’s a bit on the short side but still looks rather funny in my three-sizes-too-small red coat.
Kai turns toward the pilot standing at the threshold to the cockpit and presses his gun to the man’s forehead. “Call the tower. Tell them to turn off the runway lights and everything else that’s close to here. Now. And cut the plane’s power, too.”
The pilot nods and gets back into his seat to radio air traffic control. If this was a regular airport, there’s no way any of this could happen. I guess private airports are used to getting strange requests though, because, the runway lights turn off a minute later, followed by all other lights in the area.
Kai’s car stops beside the boarding stairs built into the jet’s door. The security guard exits the driver’s side, circles the vehicle to open the back passenger door, and waits. In the absolute darkness that has fallen like a shroud, the lit-up interior and the headlights of the car glow as bright as a lighthouse on the coast.