Page 73 of Darkest Sins

I have no idea how Massimo managed to obtain all this stuff, and I don’t really care. The moment Salvo brought the documents to me, I came straight here.

“But those are all small things, yes? I’m sure the Family will let them slide.” I offer him a condescending smile. He knows very well that the moment these come to light, he’ll be a deadman. “So, how about this? Arranging a hit on the Cosa Nostra Don so you can take over.”

What little color was left on his face, disappears, leaving him as pale as a corpse. There is no greater offense in Cosa Nostra than killing the don for the sole purpose of taking his position. The hierarchy structure has been established to ensure stability, security, and prosperity for the members. If it was common practice for subordinates to kill their higher-ups, it would cause chaos. And chaos would never be allowed to take root in Cosa Nostra.

He keeps his eyes on mine as he reaches inside the desk drawer. My guess, he’s going for a gun.

“Do you really think that I would have come here alone and shown you all of this without some kind of insurance?” I cross my legs and lean back in the chair. “If something happens to me, copies of these documents will be sent not only to the capos, but to every single member of the Family, too—from our biggest investors to the lowest soldiers. They’ll tear you apart and make an example of you within hours.”

“What do you want?” he barks. “You don’t want to marry Salvo? Fine. I don’t give a fuck.”

“Oh, I do want to get married, Batista. But not to your underboss.” I smile. “I’ll be marrying you.”

“What?” he snaps, half rising from his chair.

“Believe me, I find the idea of being tied to a disgusting old pig like you sickening. But that’s what’s going to happen.” I pause for a moment, then continue. “On Sunday, you’re going to announce our engagement. The wedding will be set for the end of this month.”


“Because, being your wife will mean I can ensure the Family’s best interests are protected.” I cross my arms over my chest and pin him with my gaze. “You’ll still be Don, as far as most people are concerned, and they can continue to bow to you and kiss your hand. You’ll be allowed to go around peacocking as if you have all the power and respect. But that’s all you’re going to do.

“Starting today, I’ll be making all decisions regarding the Family dealings, businesses, and private matters. To everyone, it will appear as if you’re still in charge. And, in four years, when my stepbrother gets released from prison, you’re going to resign due to medical reasons, and give your full support to Massimo as the next don.”

“You’re crazy.”

“No, Batista. I’m not crazy. I’m determined, and if you have an ounce of wit in that traitorous mind of yours, you’d understand that a determined woman is much more dangerous than a crazy one.” I pull out the last piece of paper from my purse and throw it in front of him. “The list of my preferences for the wedding reception. Make sure they’re followed. And please, do make sure you wear a tie that doesn’t have the stains from your last three meals on it for our special day.”

I can feel his eyes drilling into my back as I walk away. When I reach the door, I stop and look over my shoulder. “Oh, and one more thing. When my child is born, you’re going to claim the baby as yours. And God help you should you ever slip up and tell a soul that it’s not true.”

The door shuts behind me with a soft click.

When I’m back in my car, heading to my place, I scan the shadows of every alley I drive past. Looking. Searching. Hoping.

I’m still hopeful that, any second, my demon will materialize out of the dark. But I know he won’t. There are no more little pricklings at the back of my neck. No more awareness of eyes that follow my movements. Nothing.

I never wanted him gone. I didn’t mean those hateful words I yelled at him from my roof that night. He should have known. After everything that happened between us, he should have known that I couldn’t live without him.

And still, he left me.

“We should try starving him first.”

I pull on the chain attached to the shackles that bind my wrists and stare down Mendoza’s man as he wipes away the blood from his broken nose. He’s just a few steps in front of me, but I can’t reach to finish him off. The other end of the chain is bolted to the floor, allowing me a range of only about twenty feet.

The guy pulls out a knife and takes a step forward. The dozen or so men standing in a wide semicircle around us start cheering. I’m not sure what Mendoza has in store for me in the long run, but for the moment, it seems I’m here to provide entertainment for his soldiers. Before he dumped me at this compound, he told his men they were free to do whatever they wanted with me, as long as they keep me alive.

In the first two weeks after I was captured, I killed three of his goons who tried a sneak attack on me and wounded several others. Now, there are bets being placed on who’ll be the first to overpower me.

My opponent takes another step closer and swipes his knife at me. I dodge and manage to deliver a kick to his knee, sending him sprawling on his ass to the dirt. A few of the spectators rush toward us, trying to help their comrade, no doubt. But they are too late. Before the fastest of the bunch got to me and kicked me in the stomach, I’d already buried the knife between my opponent’s shoulder blades.

A boot connects with my forehead, snapping my head to the side. The next kick catches my ribs. I focus my gaze on the sky as more hits land all over my body, welcoming the pain. Hoping it’ll be strong enough to overcome the ache in my heart.

It’s not.

Chapter 26

Two months later

Printouts, folders, and notepads are spread in front of me all over the oak wood surface of Batista’s oversized office desk. Well, I guess it’s mine now. Along with the problems my dear husband caused while he was in charge for a handful of weeks. Venue leases that he didn’t get renewed. Contracts that needed to be reviewed and signed, and are now way past overdue. And a horde of angry investors breathing down my neck, demanding revenue projections for the next year. A whole mess that Batista was ever so eager to dump on me so he could spend most of his time in one of the Family’s strip clubs.