“No. Yes. Fuck, I don’t know.”

“Talk to me, Nate. Let me help.”

“It’s just that lately, the only good meals I’ve had have been our dates.”

“What do you mean?” I question in concern, no longer caring about teaching him polite decorum.

“No judgment, right?” he asks after wiping the corner of his lips with a napkin.

“Never,” I repeat encouragingly.

“Ever since… you know… I got all this unwanted media attention… well… I haven’t exactly been able to go grocery shopping,” he confesses timidly.

“Don’t you have a maid or a housekeeper that does your shopping for you?”

He shakes his head.

“I used to have a housekeeper, but she quit on me after…”

After the video came out.

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” He frowns, fiddling with his napkin. “Jack’s wife, Erin, pops by every once in a while with a casserole or lasagna, but it would be nice if I could cook for myself and not have to rely on others to eat. Just a fucked-up scenario to be in.”

“I’m sure it is,” I whisper.

Although I’m curious, I don’t dare ask him what really went down that night of the video. The media has its version. Piper told me hers. And I’m certain Nate has his. He doesn’t need one more person berating him on that night or passing judgment on him.

What he needs is a friend.

And for some unknown reason, I desperately want to be that friend for him.

At least, I’m willing to try.

“Eat up, Nate. We’re leaving.”

“Huh?” he chokes out in bewilderment, watching me get up from the grass.

“But you haven’t even touched your hot dog yet?” he says, staring at the hotdog in my hand.

“Then I guess you’re going to have to eat it for me.” I wink at him, handing it to him.

Again, Nate blinks once, then twice, before he snaps out of whatever chokehold he’s momentarily under.

He then takes the dog from me, and in three bites, it’s gone.

“Happy?” he asks, his tone heavy with sarcasm.

“Yes. Now get up, you old grump,” I taunt, offering him my hands to help lift him off the grass.

But all too soon do I regret my spur-of-the-moment decision of giving him my hands.

They look so dainty in his.

But then again, everything about Nate is huge.

His hands. His broad shoulders and chest. His imposing form.