“To make her happy,” I hear myself admit, unintimidated by Piper’s glare. “That’s all I want. Just to make her happy. If I can do that, then that’s all I’ll need.”
Piper’s forehead creases as she sits back down, staring at me like I’ve grown an extra head.
“You’re in love with her,” she whispers in complete shock.
“Yeah. I kinda am.” I shrug, head hung low. “Not sure she feels the same about me, though.”
“Huh,” Piper utters in surprise. “Guess it’s true what they say—love does blind people from seeing the truth right in front of their faces.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask in confusion.
“And spoil the surprise?” She giggles. “I’d rather keep my lips shut and let you figure that out all by yourself. Should be fun to watch.”
I open my mouth to insist on her explaining what she meant by that when we both turn our attention to the living room as Lottie’s loud, rambunctious family returns, the little ones spreading out all around the Christmas tree, eager to open their presents.
“Look alive, Nathan. It’s show time,” Piper announces, getting up from her seat to head over to the rest of the family. But before she takes one step, she turns around and leans into my ear. “Just so you know, if you break her heart, I’ll end you. And I’m not talking about your career. I have a shovel in my trunk, and I’m not afraid to use it. I’ll dig a hole so deep, no one will ever find your body. Understood?”
“Great chat, Wilder,” she says, ending our conversation while holding her two thumbs up.
I’m not sure if I should be frightened or grateful that Lottie has such a fearless friend in her corner. But when my eyes meet Lottie’s from across the room, I know my answer—it’s definitely the latter.
Lottie waves me over, and I eagerly walk in her direction like a lovesick fool.
“Hi,” she greets shyly.
“Hi,” I reply gruffly.
“Come. It’s present time,” she says, lacing her fingers in mine, unaware of how that simple touch just kickstarted my heart.
She doesn’t let go of my hand as we watch, from the sidelines, her little cousins open up their presents. It’s only when it’s the adults’ turn to swap gifts that Lottie lets go of my hand, going over to pick a gift box from under the tree.
“What’s this?” I ask when she pulls me down onto the sofa and hands the box over to me.
“I guess you’re going to have to unwrap it to find out.” She smiles widely with a sparkle in her eye.
“You… got me a present?”
“Yes.” She frowns when I continue to just stare at the box. “Nate… is everything okay?” she asks worriedly.
“I… um… yeah. It’s just… I can’t remember the last time I received a Christmas present. If at all,” I explain gruffly, holding the gift-wrapped box in my hands and marveling at the beautiful holiday-themed paper.
When Lottie’s eyes become saddened for me, I instantly reprimand myself for admitting to such a thing out loud. Thankfully, she doesn’t pry into my remark, preferring to plant one of those sweet smiles of hers for me instead.
“Open it,” she urges softly, sitting beside me on the arm of the sofa.
Feeling like everyone has stopped what they were doing just to watch me unwrap my gift, I carefully do just that, unable to curb my nervous anticipation. I gingerly untie the green satin ribbon, reveling in its softness against my fingertips. As I peel back the tape, the crinkling sound of the wrapping paper fills the room, adding to the unfamiliar excitement bubbling inside of me. With each unfolding corner, I’m able to unveil a glimpse of what lies inside. My hands tremble slightly as I pick up thelarge scrapbook, each page containing newspaper and magazine articles from the rise of my hockey career until today.
“I left plenty of empty pages in the end so you can add your Stanley Cup win next year and all the other amazing trophies that I’m certain will follow,” Lottie says melodically.
“You… you made me… this?” I stammer, so overwhelmed that my eyes begin to water.
“I had some help.” She smiles, throwing a conspiring wink over to Piper.
I’m so astounded that I can’t think straight.