Lottie is… damn… worth everything.
“Having said that, if you are to have such a serious conversation with her, then I think you owe someone else the same consideration,” Doc adds with a serious tone.
“Riley, Nathan. I’m talking about Riley. Have you told her that you have feelings for another woman?”
I shake my head in shame.
“Don’t you think you should? From the pictures I’ve seen of you both, anyone with a pair of eyes can tell she’s infatuated with you. Do you think it’s fair to lead her on if your heart is already spoken for?”
“My heart?” I parrot.
“Yes, Nathan. Your heart. Are you or are you not in love with Lottie?”
More than her piercing gaze, her words weigh heavy on my chest.
I nod.
“That’s what I thought. Which means you not only owe it to both women to be honest about your feelings, but to yourself too.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Doc offers me a sincere smile. “You’re a good man, Nathan. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision.”
I fucking better.
As luck would have it, I had promised to meet up with Riley for coffee after my therapy session before I had to head backto the arena for my coaching session with the rugrats in the afternoon.
Doc’s words are still burning in my head when I walk into the quaint coffee shop as Riley waves me over with a bright smile on her face.
God, I suck.
No matter how hard I try to tell myself that I didn’t lead her on, I know I’m full of bullshit.
This is going to be rough.
Riley is a great girl.
She’s amazing.
Her only fault—she’s not Lottie.
“You look like you had a hell of a day,” Riley says when I take the seat opposite to her. “You want to ditch this place and see if we can find a bar open at this hour? You look like you need something a bit stronger than coffee.” She laughs.
“No. I’m okay.”
“You sure about that? Your face is telling me something different.”
“Oh, no. I don’t like the sound of that,” she says, her happy expression turning serious. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know how to say this… I mean, the last few weeks with you have been amazing… it’s just that—”
“Crap, you’re about to break things off with me, aren’t you?” she goes straight to the point, whereas I was trying to incoherently get to it.