Page 136 of Perfect Pucking Match

It’s not like Riley hasn’t lately been dropping loads of hints about how she wants to take our friendship to another level—one that involves a lot of hard-core fucking and moaning.

The same level I desperately want to stay clear of.


I wish I could say that I was tempted.

I wish that I thought of Riley in that way.

But I don’t.

My heart—and apparently my cock too—only want one woman.

And it isn’t her.

“Actually, I have another long day tomorrow. I should really get home.”

God, I’m a jerk.

“Raincheck, then?” she asks hopefully.

Instead of giving her the answer she seeks, I start to lean in to press a chaste kiss on her cheek to soften the blow of my rejection. Unfortunately, Riley came prepared tonight and is not falling for the same peck-on-the-cheek nonsense that she’s gotten after every date we’ve been on.

Before I have time to react, she quickly turns her head just in time for my lips to kiss hers.

If I just closed my eyes, it wouldn’t be too hard to pretend she was someone else.

But that wouldn’t be fair on Riley.

She’s a friend.

Even if that’s all she will ever be, she deserves some respect and not to be toyed with.

Though I know she won’t be happy about it, I do the right thing and pull away, ending this impromptu kiss.

The frown that stretches on her lips kills me just the same, though.

“Sorry,” I grumble, lowering my head to avoid staring at the disappointment swimming in her green eyes.

“That’s okay.” She lets out an exhale. “I guess I should be flattered that you don’t want to take advantage of me.”

I kick the air at my feet, still unwilling to look at her.

“I mean, most guys would jump at the chance to fuck me, let alone kiss me,” Riley tries to joke, but I can hear the hurt in her voice.

“Guess I’m not most guys.” I shrug, finally growing a pair and raising my head to face her head-on.

“You’re right about that.” She smiles, no longer looking embarrassed. “It’s okay. If you want to take things slow, I can do that. It’s actually quite refreshing. We can take this as slow as you want.”

“Thanks,” I say because what elsecanI say?

Sorry, Riley, I’m just not that into you.

Or, it’s not you, it’s me?

I may not be an expert when it comes to relationships, but I know damn well that no woman wants to hear that shit.

Besides, it all sounds scripted and fake to me.