The first text goes straight to Cooper.
Me:I think it’s best that you return to NYC tomorrow. And I also think you’re right on one account. We do need a break from each other. Some distance, or radio silence like you suggested, might put everything into perspective.
Me:I care for you, Coop. And I don’t intend to throw ten years down the drain on a whim.
Me:I have to be sure. And for that to happen, I need some time to figure things out.
I nibble on my thumb when I see that he’s read my texts and is replying back.
Coop:If time is what you need, then you have it.
Coop:But babe, this only ends one way.
Coop:We belong together. The sooner you realize that, the better.
I don’t answer him after that.
It doesn’t matter what he believes.
Only I will have the last say on what my own life is going to look like.
No one else.
But for that to happen, I need clarity.
And unfortunately, there’s only one way I see that happening.
I scroll through my contacts, pull up Becca’s number, and call her.
“Lottie?” she yawns, making me acknowledge that it must be terribly late.
One quick glance at my phone screen, and I see it’s well past one in the morning.
“I’m so sorry, Becca. I didn’t mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep. We can talk in the morning.”
“It’s okay. I’m up. Just dozed off watchingPride and Prejudiceagain. They sure don’t make them like Mr. Darcy anymore,” she swoons.
“No, they do not.” I smile at my romantic friend. “But if there is anyone who might find such a man, I’m positive it will be you.”
“Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” she swoons again, and even though I can’t see her, I imagine little pink cartoon hearts where her irises should be. “Though I’d be perfectly content talking about Mr. Darcy all night, you called me for a reason. What’s up, boss?”
But just as she asks me that question, I hesitate.
“Boss? Are you there? Lottie?”
I take a deep breath and pull the trigger.
God, I hope I’m doing the right thing.
“I’m here. I’m here.”
“Sorry. This phone reception is the worst. So, what do you need from me, Lottie?”
Another deep breath.
And here we go.
“I’d like you to call Riley Griffin first thing tomorrow.”