“Do you want me to get you your usual two shots of espresso?” Becca asks, pulling me out of my somber reverie, her voice tainted with the usual pity I’m starting to expect from people whenever my boyfriend is mentioned.

“Would you, Becca? That would be lovely if you could.” I force a smile as I take my seat behind the desk, the simple act of grinning physically hurting my cheeks.

“Sure thing, boss. Anything for you.”

But when she doesn’t budge from her place, I raise a questioning brow.

“I… um… I just need to know something,” she stammers, “Is it true? Are we really taking Nathan Wilder as a client? Piper called me early this morning to add him to today’s meeting schedule.”

“Shit. I forgot it was today,” I groan, slumping back in my chair.

While I was on the train ride back home, Piper called me to discuss her troublesome hockey player and arrange a time for him to come into the office. I was so down in the dumps about my own love life that I completely forgot that I told her he could drop by today after lunch and to call Becca to set it all up. My forgetfulness could also be because I had been a little too eager to get Piper off the phone before she heard the melancholy in my voice and asked me what was wrong. If my best friend even caught a whiff of what had happened this weekend between me and Coop, then I’d never hear the end of it.

Cooper isn’t exactly one of Piper’s favorite people.

And if I told her that he blew me off for most of the weekend, then that would confirm her belief that Cooper and I shouldn’t be together.

And though it pains me, I’m starting to believe she might be right.

Maybe our relationshiphasrun its course, and it is time for us to be adults about this and just say what we are probably both feeling—that it’s time we called it a quits and broke up.

The pressure behind my eyes begins to build as I swallow down the huge lump in my throat, one that springs to life with the thought of ending a ten-year relationship.

Ten years.

That’s a lot of time wasted on something, let alone on someone.

Am I really ready to throw in the towel?

Am I prepared to let go of all those memories we made and all that time and energy I put into our relationship?

The pragmatist in me says yes, but it’s the romantic in me—the one who believes that love conquers all—that doesn’t want to give up.

Not just yet anyway.

“Lottie? Are you just going to keep me in suspense? I’m dying here,” Becca presses, shifting from one foot to another.

“If I say yes, can I get my daily dose of caffeine?”

She nods like a happy puppy.

“Then yes. Nathan Wilder is meeting me today.”

“OH, MY GOD!” Becca squeals, jumping up and down.

“Don’t go throwing fireworks just yet. I haven’t decided if I’m going to take him on as a client or not. It all depends on how this first meeting goes.”

“Still, this is a big deal! I mean, this is Nathan Wilder we’re talking about!TheNathan Wilder!”

“Yes, I’m aware.” I let out a sigh, praying Becca can control herself when the notorious hockey player comes in later.

He needs to know that we are a serious business here, so I can’t have my own personal assistant fangirl or, God forbid, faint at the very sight of him.

And considering she is swooning with just the mention of his name, it doesn’t look very promising.

“Becca, when Mr. Wilder comes in, you will be on your best behavior, won’t you?” I arch a warning brow.

“When you say best—”