Page 153 of Perfect Pucking Match

The way her whole body trembled when she came.

It’s been all I can think about.

“I figured as much.” Harold chuckles, pulling me away from my sinful thoughts. “Something tells me you’ve been a good influence on her too. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my daughter so happy,” he adds, throwing a glance across the room over to Lottie.

I follow his gaze and realize that Lottie has been staring at us the whole time, her cheeks turning pink when we catch her in the act.

“Yes, a great influence.” Harold continues to chuckle while I nervously pull on my turtleneck. “Tell me, son. I know my daughter invited you over for Christmas, but I was wondering if you’d prolong your stay and spend New Year’s with us, too?”

“Unfortunately, I’ll have to leave the day after Christmas and drive back to Boston, sir. The Guardians are playing a game with the New York Mavericks on the thirtieth, and we need all the practice time we can get before such a big game.”

“Of course.” He frowns in disappointment. “When will you return?”

“New Year’s Eve, sir.”

“Well, my invitation still stands. We would happily have you here to ring in the new year.” He smiles broadly. “Something tells me that this new year is going to be full of wonderful surprises.”

I look over at Lottie, my heart doubling in size when she smiles at me.

“I sure hope so, sir.”

God, I fucking hope so.

I turn around on the bed, shifting from side to side, unable to fall asleep. I tell myself that it is due to sleeping on a strange bed, but deep down, I know that isn’t the reason for my insomnia. For the past few days, I’ve fallen asleep staring at Lottie’s beautiful face over a phone screen, and now that I don’t have that, slumber evades me at every turn.

I twist and turn, pulling the pillow over my head, and still nothing.

How can I sleep when she’s so close?

It also doesn’t help that every time I close my eyes, the memory of Lottie coming on my tongue invades all my senses. I’m too alert and wound up to sleep with that image always popping in my head. My cock is hard and heavy, needing a release, but I refuse to do anything about it, wanting to savor this sweet torture even if it keeps me up all night.

My heart leaps into my throat when my phone starts to ring as I rush to answer it.

“Lottie?” I whisper since I don’t want to wake anyone up.

“Hi,” she greets sweetly.


“I… um… can’t sleep,” she confesses.

“Me neither,” I admit, just as forlorn.

“I guess you’ve spoiled me. I can’t seem to fall asleep without talking to you first. Silly, isn’t it?” she says, her melodic voice sending chills throughout my body.

“Not silly at all,” I whisper. “I’m kind of having the same problem, too.”

“Yeah?” she breathes out.


“Did you have a nice time tonight?” she asks. “I know my family can be a bit of a handful.”

“They were great. It must have been nice growing up with such a big family.”

“It was. Though they can’t help being a bit… well… nosey. I hope my dad wasn’t too much for you.”

“He was great,” I tell her in earnest.