Page 103 of Never Tear Us Apart

I exhale tiredly, knowing the argument well, having had it in my head one too many times to count after we broke up.

“Look, I don’t even know if we’re at that point anymore. We are on two totally different paths. We’re just working out everything we never had a chance to.”

“Right.” She crosses her arms. “Well, you call it what you want, just know I am here for you, regardless of how this plays out. Friends, lovers, enemies…you name it, I will be here with a pack of wine coolers and Zima to wipe your tears, toast your win, you name it.”

I throw my arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve Jenica Miller in my life, but whatever it was, I’d do it a thousand times over because this girl was freaking amazing.

“I only have one question,” she asks.

“Yes,” I drawl while pulling back.

“Is it good?” She smiles. “I mean, tell me it’s good because if it’s not…”

I smile and decide what the hell…why not give her a little something. “He is still beyond my wildest dreams.”

She grips my shoulders and squeezes, nodding with approval. “Yes. I knew it.”

I laugh and shake my head, her happiness making me happy.

“So,” she flicks her eyes to the bed. “Do you want to dive back in or take a break?”

I take a breath, wondering the same thing. It sure would be easier if I had gotten something from Royce. But if any point was moot, it was that one.

Ever since I left him at the Mayor’s party, he’d avoided me. He was back in Cherry Cove. I’d seen his car in town. But he hadn’t called or stopped by. It was probably just as well. I made Cruz a promise I would keep my distance from Royce and intended to keep it. But it was weird for Royce to be on me like a fly on shit one minute, and then just disappear the next.

It wasn’t like I left him standing at the altar or anything. I mean, it was clear what he was after that night and had Cruz not shown up when he did there isn’t a doubt in my mind he wouldn’t have tried to get it. But even if Royce’s pride was hurt by my rejection he owed me an apology. At minimum, the information he promised.

Then there was the matter of Courtney and Dex. The twins had thrown a party last night and didn’t invite me. I wouldn’t have gone, but it felt like Royce had drawn a line in the sand and the twins had chosen a side. It was immature to say the least, and the two could slither off together for all I cared.

But Asher’s silence was strange. He always seemed to be his own person. Not easily influenced by Royce, and even going so far as to tell Dex to fuck off on more than one occasion. I appreciated this about him. It’s why I said yes when he asked me to Homecoming last year, and why I’d given in when we had our little make out session that night. He seemed different than all of them, and yet, he seemed to have chosen a side, too.

Then there was Skye. I was beginning to wonder if something was seriously wrong. I didn’t see her or Carter at the ball, and I even called her when I was back home and surprise, surprise shedidn’t pick up or return my message. It was as if the two had just vanished.

“How about we give it a rest for now,” I say finally. “We can order a pizza and have a slasher marathon.”

“Now you’re talking.” Jenica grins with approval. “We can go to the store and grab snacks. Anything we want.”

“Love it,” I smile. “You cool with no booze tonight?”

“Sure,” she shrugs. “We can crack out with sugar instead.”

“Yes!” I clap with excitement. “Okay. I want Pop Rocks, Fun-Dip, and oh…Runts.”

“And what about Loverboy?” she asks as we slip into our flip flops.

“The band?” I reach for my bag. “Ugh. God no.”

She snorts and grabs my doorknob, smacking me on the butt as I pass by. “You know damn well who I was talking about.”

I laugh and head down the stairs with Jenica on my heels. “Cruz is spending the night with the guys. So, how about we hit the store first, thenBlockbuster. I have some movies here, but I say we go classic horror. I’m talking late seventies, early eighties.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” she nods in approval.

We head out the front door and make our way to my car. When we get there she reaches for a piece of paper on the window. “What’s this?”

She looks down at the paper and then back up. “Well?” I ask when she doesn’t say anything.

She looks around with an angry scowl on her face. “Is this some kind of joke?”