Page 102 of Never Tear Us Apart

“Well,” she offers me a sad smile. “As nice as it would have been, we are in the here and now. So, why don’t we focus on something wecando, like getting you and Cruz back together.”

Jenica’s changing the subject, just as I did, and I know why. It hurts. She knew each of those missing girls. They had grown up together. One she even played softball with. The idea no one cares is like saying no one cares about her, and it stings.

When you’ve been told your whole life that you are less than, you start to believe it. It was the unfortunate fate of those born in Cherry Cove.

It always seemed strange to me Cherry Cove and Elmhurst were in the same county because they couldn’t feel more different. As if one had been deemed the dream, and the other, forgotten altogether. I hated this. It seemed wrong that a place I love so fiercely felt more like home than Elmhurst.

“I wish it were that easy,” I say sadly, knowing she’d rather talk about anything other than those missing girls. “The reason he and I broke up in the first place is still there. But I do want to know why you didn’t tell me you were the one who sent him to Elmhurst.”

She smiles sheepishly. “Are you mad?”

“No.” I let go of her hand, shaking my head.

Honestly, I’m glad Jenica told Cruz. I had felt bad keeping it from him and that weekend is when everything changed for him and I.

It’s hard to hold onto hurt and heartache, so no matter how confusing things were now, it had also felt in a way, like a weight had been lifted.

That night I forgave him, I truly did. No matter what happens when the summer ends, he and I will be in each other’s lives in some way and I see that as a win. A life without Cruz felt like atotal strike out.

“But on a separate note,” I add slyly, not forgetting the way she casually dropped Jake’s name earlier. “When did you start to refer to Jake by name?”

Jenica pushes up from the bed and makes her way over to my mirror, pretending to fix her flawless eyeliner. “I guess during all those times you and Cruz left us together so you can go and suck face. And, when he spent the day helping me put up fliers. Guess he’s not such a bad guy, either.”

“Holy…shit.” I get up and toss the pillow I’ve been holding onto down on the bed. “ Jen, you—”

“Don’t finish that thought,” she cuts me off. “Just….don’t.”

“Why not?” I stop behind her and study her reflection in the mirror. “He’s hot. I mean,reallyhot. And he’s super nice.”

“And he’s a super jock.” She turns to me and purses her lips.

“And?” I laugh.

“He’s not my type.”

“Oh, that’s horse shit.” I laugh. “You played softball for years. You told me until you found music, baseball was your religion. It’s his, too.”

“Doesn’t mean I like ball players. I mean, they’re soooo not my type.”

“Oh…” I nod emphatically. “He is totally your type. He’s the sugar to your spice. The sunshine to your grumpy.”

“Like Cruz is the sex to your stick?”

I burst out laughing. “That’s not how it works.”

“You know what I mean.”

“No,” I laugh harder. “I don’t.”

“Look.” She levels her eyes on mine and looks at me in mock seriousness. “We aren’t talking about me. We’re talking about you. And when you leave this summer and head to Yale, I want to make sure you are doing it with a full heart and your kitty—”

“Stop.” I slap my hand over her mouth. “First, until thatmess with my dad’s case is solved, I’m not going anywhere. And second, my kitty is just fine, thank you.”

I drop my hand and know by her smirk a wily response is coming. “Because Cruz spends so much time petting it,” she says matter of fact.

“He doesn’t pet it.” I roll my eyes. But he sure as hell spends more than his fair share of time doing everything else and then some.

“Oh, come on.” She stamps her foot like a child not getting their way. “This doesn’t have to be complicated. You’re both adults, and you’re not even related.”