Page 76 of Never Tear Us Apart

Cruz flicks his eyes to mine and when he sees me struggling, the anger in them shifts to worry. “I’ll say it one more time,” he bites out. “Let go of her, now.”

A group of guests rounds the corner at the end of the hall, and when Royce looks to them and sees they’re headed our way, he steps back.

The two glare at one another, no words exchanged but the message clear. Cruz was once Royce’s god, and he is now hisenemy. A line has been drawn and they stand on opposite sides.

Excusing myself with little more than a murmur, I hurry to the ladies room and once inside, make my way to the sink and grip the marble countertop. Taking a couple of deep breaths to steady myself, I try to process what just happened.

I played this hand all wrong. Misjudged the strength of Royce’s machinations. He doesn’t just like me. He believes I am his. And I played right into his delusions by pushing ahead with my own agenda, not really understanding the full scale of his.

Bringing a shaky hand to my chest, I grip the pearls draped around my neck.Think, Ellery, think. You can turn this around. You can still get what you need if you just…think.

Tapping my finger against the strand, I rack my brain, trying to figure out what to do about the situation that’s no doubt brewing just down the hall. But when my eyes drift to the exposed skin on my upper arm and the indentation of Royce’s fingers screams back at me, a fresh wave of anger hits.

Who the hell did he think he was?

What gave him the right to touch me in any way?

The idea he believed I was his, sends me pushing back from the sink and storming out of the bathroom. I adjust my glove, prepared to give him a piece of my mind, when I see Cruz waiting for me.

I drop my hand and stop, transfixed by the sight of him. He’s so beautiful. An achingly handsome version of the boy he once was. And I can’t help but feel the pull he has on me.

He pushes up from the wall and strides over, eyes locked on me. “Are you okay?”

I nod and swallow; the smell of rawhide and sunscreen filling my lungs. It’s a smell that will always belong to him, and only him, and stirs longing and memories of happiness.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, trying to hide my surprise.

“Don’t think Royce will be bothering you again.” He ignoresmy question and looks down the hall. “And I think your dance card is done for the night.”

“What did you do?” I arch a brow.

He shrugs then turns back to me. “Nothing.”

“Cruz?” I press.

“Hey,” his lip hitches, “you said to let shit go when we were together. You didn’t say anything about when we were apart.”

I shake my head and smile, unable to help it. “Do you need to get out of here?”

“That’s probably a good idea,” he smiles wider. “But only if you’re coming with me.”

I look toward the ballroom. Somewhere inside my mom and his dad are dancing and laughing, oblivious to the drama that just unfolded. Or maybe Royce is giving them an earful and Momma is about to storm down the hall to remind me of decorum, no matter the situation.

Deciding that leaving is probably for the best, I nod and he sticks his hand out. Sliding mine into it, we make our way down the hall.

When we get outside, it’s muggy, and the air is sticky. Clouds billow in front of the moon as thunder rolls in the distance. “A storm’s coming.”

“Looks like it’s already here,” he corrects. I turn my attention down from the night sky and find him staring at me. “You look beautiful.”

My breath hitches as fire ignites in my chest. “Thank you.”

Pulling his hand from mine, he runs the pad of his finger across my collarbone, then down my arm, stopping at the indentations left behind by Royce’s grip.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home to come to this with him?” he asks simply.

I look down, not knowing how to answer. Everything suddenly feels so complicated. Things that I didn’t want tomatter are becoming increasingly meaningful and that which I was originally focused on, now doesn’t seem so simple.

When Momma told me about Royce’s intentions, I was stunned. Sure, I knew he had a crush on me. But for him to think I was the one that would help him carry on his family name…the guy was delusional.