Page 68 of Never Tear Us Apart

I don’t know how long we stand there kissing among the sway of the ocean, but what I do know is this—I didn’t want the night to ever end, and something told me she didn’t want it to, either.


A few days later I’m on the beach with Jake doing some warmup pitches when a group of locals walks by.

“Who’s that?” Jake asks when I turn to give them a clipped nod.

Two in front give me a finger wave. I recognize the guy in the front with dark hair. His name is Travis and he and I partied together the summers I spent here. He’s actually the one who showed me the cave and cove. But the second guy I don’t know.

I point with my glove for Jake to get back in place when a whistle catches my attention. I turn and see Travis coming up the beach, with the others in tow.

I take off my glove and tuck it under my arm, and Jake does the same and comes over to where I’m standing. He knows the locals are cool, but he wants me to know he has my back if needed.

“Hey man.” Travis sticks his hand out when he reaches us. “Good to see you.”

“Same.” I grip his hand and give it a shake. “I was beginning to wonder if you left town. Haven’t seen you around.”

“I wish.” He shakes his head. “Between my parents’ store and the boardwalk, I’ve been running around like my ass is on fire.”

“Which store?” I tilt my head.


“No shit.” I remove my baseball cap and give my head a scratch before putting it back on. If that’s his parents, then he’s…

“Sparky’s brother,” Jake snaps.

“Who?” Travis laughs.

“Your sister is Ellery’s friend, right?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Travis nods. “But wait, how do you know Ellery?”

“She’s my stepsister,” I reply matter of fact.

I don’t hate to say it as much as I used to. Maybe it’s the future we’re planning that includes us being in one another’s life as that and nothing more.

“No shit?” He shakes his head. “How the hell did I not know that?”

“The same reason I didn’t know your parents ownedMillers.”

The times I partied with Travis we didn’t talk about anything serious. Music, beer, and of course baseball. That was about it. But now that I look at him, I know why Jenica has always looked familiar. They have the same blue eyes and dark hair.

“So your sister and Ellery are close?” I can’t help but ask.

“Oh yeah,” he nods. “As thick as thieves. They’re always driving back and forth to see one another in the off season. I’ve kind of adopted Ellery as my little sister. But wait,” Travis turns back to Jake. “Why did you call her Sparky?”

Jake smiles and shakes his head. “We had a party when we first got here and she came in hot, complaining about the music and beer.”

“Is that right?” Travis grins.

“Yeah. Real spark plug your sister.”

“That she is,” he nods in agreement. “If she laid into you too hard, sorry man. I’m the one who taught her everything she knows. You need thick skin and steel balls to be raised here, and she’s got both.”

Jake holds up his hand and laughs. “Naw man, it’s all good.She’s got fire in her. It’s a good thing. Besides, I have a sister too. Mad respect to you for looking out for her.” Jake sticks out his hand, offering it to Travis. “Jake Spencer. Nice to meet you.”

“Well alright, Jake Spencer. Nice to meet you.” Travis gives Jake’s hand a shake then turns back to me. “Shit man, I can’t believe you’re a Butler.”