Page 38 of Never Tear Us Apart

“Do you want me to go over there right now and cut his balls off?” She straightens. “I mean, I gave that friend of his a pieceof my mind last night, so I have no problem putting Cruz in his place, too.”

“Which friend?” I ask curiously.

“The blonde one.”

“Jake?” I ask with surprise.

“I think that’s his name.”

“Why?” I shake my head. Now, this I have to hear.

She shrugs. “I was looking for you and he was heading out to meet some girl and we ran into one another, literally. He tried to get all smooth with me and apologize, but I let him have it.”

I can only imagine how that played out. Jenica was a real firecracker. She saw through any guy and didn’t play games.

“No ball cutting,” I say with a smile. “They can have their summer, and we’ll have ours.”

“You’re right.” She snaps. “We need to focus. So enough about Cruz. Let’s talk about Royce. Did he give you anything or are we still at square one there?”

“I got nothing.” I press my lips together and shake my head. “But he knows something. I’m sure of it.”

She looks at me curiously. “What makes you say that?”

“Because he literally said, I may have heard something, but it’ll cost you.”

“That prick didnotsay that to you.”

“He did.” I know how irritating it sounds because when he said it to me I was pissed, too. “And he was just about to tell me what that price was, when Cruz barged in.“

“I’m telling you Elle, if it’s anything other than a date, then I will be cuttinghisballs off. I swear.”

“He’s notthatbad,” I drawl, trying to pump myself up about the idea of going out with Royce. “But he’s not getting more than one date. Trust me.”

“Yes, he is that bad,” she quips. “He’s too clean cut. Too preppy.” She makes a fake gagging sound. “He’s a total podperson.”

“Well, he’s decent looking at least, right?”

“To whom?” She laughs. “Not me. Give me Eddie Vedder, any day.”

“Mmmm,” I nod with a smile. “Now you’re talking. Or Johnny Depp.”

“Yes.” She moans. “God, he’s gorgeous.”

“He is,” I agree.

All this talk about good looking guys brings the memory of Cruz barging into the bathroom last night, front and center.

It was hot. I’ll admit. That longer hair he was sporting right now was a bit Depp-ish, and those eyes of his, blue like the summer sky, still made me melt. But when he pushed his knee between my legs, it made my body come alive in a way it hadn’t since we were together. If Jenica hadn’t slept over, I’d have gotten my vibrator out and finished what he started.

I swallow and push the thought aside, getting back to Royce. “I can go on one date if it means getting the information I need.”

“And you think that’s all he wants?” Jenica asks skeptically. “What if he tries to dole it out over multiple dates?”

“ThenI’llcut his balls off.”

We both laugh again and I make my way back to the bed and sink down, crossing my legs.

“I’ll catch up with him today and finish the conversation we started last night. It’ll be fine. Then I can start on the twins.”