Page 146 of Never Tear Us Apart

“You are mine, baby. Now be a good girl and come for me. Show me who owns your pleasure.”

Wrapping her arms around me, I pull her down on my cock so I’m buried balls deep, and when the head of my cock swells and we hit our climax at the same time, we both cry out not giving two fucks Jake can hear us. Call it payback for all thetimes I’ve pounded on our shared wall back at the apartment.

As our breathing slows, and we sit there holding onto one another, I know neither of us wants to move. The moment we do, we will head back to the real world, and not that we’re not ready for it. It’s just that neither one of us knows what to expect beyond the media circus of Cherry Cove.

My father’s idea had been an excellent one. A silver bullet that sent shockwaves rippling through Elmhurst and sent the society unraveling. But the last few weeks, while good for Ellery and me, has been a bit of a shit show.

When my dad told his buddy that he had the story of a lifetime, he listened quietly when he passed Saffron the phone and told him everything. Of course, he wanted proof, and when Saffron and my father flew to New York the next day and delivered it to him on a five inch floppy disk, he went to work researching and writing the story of a lifetime.

When the secrets of Elmhurst spilled across the front page ofThe Timestwo weeks later, the paper sold out everywhere. Everyone wanted to read about the sleepy southern society built on gluttony and guilt.

The best part of the story, however, wasn’t all the secrets spilling out into the open, but was the section dedicated to Senator Reginal Butler and a story of his innocence and legacy. In her own way, Ellery did what she set out to do, and I couldn’t be prouder.

But the stories didn’t stop there. When the truth about Elmhurst came to light, tongues wagged, and every journalist in the country was interested in the sleepy little town that had parlayed itself into one of the most powerful in the country. Ambitious reporters wanting to make a name for themselves flocked to Cherry Cove and Elmhurst, hoping to dig up their own story.

Turns out, the deeper they dug, the darker and dirtier thesecrets got. Five murdered girls and the conspiracy to blackmail and disgrace a US senator was just the tip of the iceberg. With each new story that ran, the further the distance grew between Ellery and The Davenport Trust, and it’s exactly what she wanted.

The only one who knows who the Davenport heir is aside from Ellery, me, our parents, and Jake and Jenica, is Royce’s father, and he never told the others in Elmhurst. They believed, as did her circle of friends, that he was trying to remove the Butler name from the society by proving a decades old rumor that Ellery wasn’t his—not that she was in fact the rightful heir to the trust, and that he planned to control it through her marriage to his son.

Something tells me Richardson won’t bother trying to reveal the secret of Ellery’s birth father, considering he’s on the run. In a strange twist, the Petrov Syndicate took credit for killing Royce as payback for all they’d done to frame Reginald Butler and that debt being left unpaid. Seeing as Richardson is just like his son and cares about his life, more than anything else, he disappeared without a trace, leaving his wife to pick up the pieces.

Whether Ellery decides to reveal who she is will be on her terms, but I for one hope she never says a word. Money brings out the worst in people, and knowing she is one of the richest girls in the world, will only bring out the lowest of the low.

She’s doing surprisingly well, considering all she’s been through. She understands why her mother kept the truth about her birth father a secret and doesn’t begrudge her for the choices she had to make. But identity is a fragile thing and Ellery does want to know more about that part of her lineage, but when she’s ready.

One thing that hasn’t wavered however, is the love she has for the father that raised her. Who he was, hasn’t changed in Ellery’s eyes. If anything, she loves him even more. The man thatswore to love her as his own and protect her no matter what, lived up to every promise he ever made, even when it meant giving up his own life. In her eyes, he is a saint, and she is lucky to have inherited his strength.

But while she may have the strength of the man who raised her, Ellery also has the grit and determination of Cherry Cove in her blood, and she isn’t shying away from it.

I was right that day when I said she looked like she belonged here. She does. It is part of her birthright and no matter what she does with The Davenport Trust, the longevity and survival of Cherry Cove will be her legacy. That she has promised.

But if Richardson should ever come after her, or anyone else for that matter, I meant what I said that night on the beach—I will do everything in my power to protect her. Just as I will do everything in my power to keep our friends safe.

The assholes of Elmhurst may one day seek revenge for all we have done to bring the society to its knees, but they have no clue what I will do to protect those I love. I will do anything to make sure the dead stay dead, and the guilty, silent. Ellery, Jake, Jenica, our parents…they’re my family, and you don’t fuck with family.

“Alright baby.” I give her a kiss and pat her on the ass. “Time to get going.”

Ellery gets up from my lap slowly, long hair skimming her back. “I guess I’ll shower.” She looks over her shoulder, giving me a sexy little grin. “What do you say, All American, join me?”

I jump out of bed and scoop her up, carrying her into the shower. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

Once we’re showered and dressed, we make our way downstairs. It’s just she, Jake and I heading back to Highland today. After Marcus checked Cal into rehab, he went home for a few weeks and was now in Seattle visiting Allison before school started. His summer go-to had turned into a fall one as well, andI was looking forward to catching up with him once he was back at Highland to find out how serious things were getting.

Until then, I’m actually looking forward to the drive. It’s long, but I can’t think of two I want by my side, more than I do my girl and my best friend. We deserve a long drive with some good music and I’ve got my camera ready to get some pics of what is sure to be an epic road trip.

“Don’t forget,” Ellery says as we make our way through the house to do one last walk through to make sure we didn’t forget anything. “We promised Jenica we’d stop atMiller’son the way out of town. She has a bag of goodies for the drive.”

“I didn’t forget.” I look at Jake. “Right man?”

“Mm-hmm,” he nods, keeping his response chill.

I didn’t tell Ellery I thought Jake was into her friend. I don’t want her getting excited if there is no reason to be. But shit, the past few weeks it’s kind of obvious and I can’t deny that it would be pretty cool for my best friend to be dating hers.

It’s pretty clear when you see Jake and Jenica together, there’s a whole love hate thing going on. He is the only one she really tolerates beside Ellery, me, and her brother, and I can see she feels safe with Jake. Why wouldn’t she? It was he who pulled the gun from her hand that night and took care of her in the days that followed.

Once we’ve loaded up the Jeep with our bags, Jake and Ellery head outside and I lock up, dropping the rental agreement with the keys in the mailbox outside the door, as Deveraux instructed.

“All right.” I clap my hands and hop into the driver’s seat. “Ready?”