Page 135 of Never Tear Us Apart

I hated that gun. It gave me chills the moment I saw it. But if she didn’t have it last night, I’d have been the one who didn’t wake up this morning, not Royce.

“Jenica’s fine,” Cruz says as if reading my mind. “She stayed here last night and Jake is with her now.”

I look up, relieved to know she is here with us. “She did?”

“She did,” Cruz grins. “Trust me, she’s safe. Neither Jake nor I will let anything happen to either one of you.”

There’s a hint of suggestion in his response, and I want to know what I’m missing. But right now, my worry overrides my curiosity. “I want to see her.”

“I know,” he nods. “She wants to see you, too.”

Cruz lowers his arms to my waist and I turn my head to look out the window as he rests his chin on my head.

I hate what happened and what we’ve done. But it was the only thing we could do. Cruz was right, if Royce’s body were found, his father would use every resource at his disposal to get to the truth and wouldn’t stop until he got answers. Answers that pointed to me and Jenica. Getting rid of his body and all trace of evidence was the only way.

“What about Cal?” I turn my attention back to Cruz.

I know what Royce promised him, but what I didn’t know is how they even knew one another, or why Cal would do what he did to one of his best friends.

When I saw them at the house that day, the four looked close. It didn’t think anything would come between them given the way Cruz talked about his friends. And yet Cal was determined todestroy Cruz. I saw it in his eyes last night.

The muscle in Cruz’s jaw ticks and I can see he’d rather not answer. Not because he can’t, but because the answer is hard for him.

“It began the night of our party,” he says slowly. “When I found you and Royce in the bathroom and I kicked him out, he went downstairs and apparently he and Cal got to talking.”

The moment he says it, I know exactly why Cruz didn’t want to answer. The idea he somehow encouraged what happened by coming after Royce that night is tearing him up. I know it is because I know him.

“Originally it was Miriam who was supposed to work on him,” Cruz continues. “That’s why she spent the night at our place the night of the party. But when he didn’t show much interest in her, Royce went to work on Cal himself. They talked more at the cove that day, and it continued from there. All those times Cal came home in the early morning hours he wasn’t hooking up with chicks like he led us to believe. He was partying it up with Royce and his buddies. Apparently, every time they partied together, Royce slipped him promises and steroids. That’s the reason Cal has been so hot and cold this summer. He was so high last night that I barely recognized him.”

I shake my head sadly, not knowing what to say. “So Royce ruined his life.”

“No,” I shake my head. “Cal used drugs in high school, and when he got to Highland he got clean. He had to because we were tested all the time. Royce just made it easier for Cal to start using again.”

I nod, knowing how easy it could be to get hooked. A lot of kids at Elmhurst did drugs. Money and access made it easy to get whatever they wanted.

“And Miriam and Asher?” I ask, needing to know if one of the two I’d considered a friend, was that or a foe, all along.

“He didn’t say anything about Asher,” Cruz admits. “But when you think about everything, he played a part.”

I shake my head, not understanding.

“Miriam told me the night of the party that her brother told her you were sleeping with the football team. That’s what sent me upstairs to find you. If Royce’s goal from the beginning was to drive a wedge between you and me, that would be one way to go about it. I mean, it did that night.”

The idea that Asher was an enemy all along sends a pang of regret slicing across my chest. I’d always believed he was different from the rest. Turns out, they were all the same. Just wore different masks.

“You know,” Cruz rubs his chin. “Cal had his issues and could be a real dick, but for the past two years it’s been the four of us. I’m not surprised he’d take a shot at a little fame and fortune. But you… “ Cruz shakes his head. “When we ran into you that day at the house, I knew he had his eye on you. I just didn’t think he’d trade in our friendship for it. Especially after I told him we were together.”

I place my hand on his cheek and rub my thumb along his own bruised cheek. “You told them?”

He nods. “Jake knew, and Marcus I think suspected, but I hadn’t told them outright. So I did yesterday when I got back to the house. I meant it when I said I was all in, Ellery. I am and I wanted them to know.”

I place my hand on the back of his head and twine my fingers in his hair. I know my touch won’t erase the betrayal of a friend, but I hope it can at least soothe a bit of what he’s feeling.

“So what’s going to happen with him?” I ask when Cruz presses his forehead to mine. “Will he return to school or the team?”

“He’s done,” Cruz blows out a tired breath. “Marcus flew home with him this morning to check him into rehab. There’s afacility close to his house in Arizona and his mom’s a therapist, so she knew who to call to get him in.”

“So, does Marcus know what happened, or…”