Page 129 of Never Tear Us Apart

“She is worth everything, you piece of shit!”

I pull back my arm to hit him again and he grabs my fist with one hand, while pushing me back with the other. With his own adrenaline fueled strength, he sends me flying onto my back and the force of the landing knocks the wind out of me.

I try to get up, but he jumps onto top of me, pinning me to the ground. “Let her go.” He presses a knee into my back. “She’s as good as gone.”

I look around frantically and when I see Royce dragging Ellery away with a hand over her mouth, I try to get Cal off me. I press both hands down on the sand and push up, but it’s no use. Cal is channeling all his strength and with every push up, he presses his knee deeper into my back.

“Stop it man,” he grabs both of my arms, pulling them behind my back. “If you move, I’ll break your arm. I don’t want to, but I will.”

“Do it!” I challenge him.

“You’d risk your future for her?” Cal twists my arm harder. “You’d risk everything you’ve worked for because of what, a little pussy?”

The grip Cal has on my arm is extraordinary. He’s as strong as an ox, and his hand feels like a vice grip.

There’s not a doubt in my mind he will break my arm and if he does, it’s game over. I won’t throw another pitch ever again and my career will be dead. But seeing Royce with Ellery…the fear in her eyes as he drags her further away…if I don’t stop him, my life will be over.

“I would do anything for her.” I clench both hands and dig them into the sand, needing all the strength I can summon to get him off me.

“You’re a fool,” he spits out.

“And you’re a dick! Now get off me.”

Cal laughs and brings his mouth to my ear. “Here’s what’s going to happen, brother. My new friend over there is going to take your girl right here on this beach and you’re going to watch. And when he’s done, it’s my turn. Who knows, maybe she’ll have my baby, and not his.”

Royce throws Ellie down and straddles her, grabbing at her shorts frantically. She claws and kicks, but she is no match for him. He has the advantage of size.

Reaching for the sleeve of her shirt, he rips it down and she screams as he bends down and kisses her shoulder. While he’s close enough she bites his neck and he screams and pulls back, grabbing it.

He holds it for a second, looking at it in disbelief, then brings both hands to her neck and starts to squeeze.

“No!” I shout, struggling to get Cal off me. If Royce doesn’t stop, he’s going to kill her. With adrenaline and rage surging through me, I throw him off me and race over.

Grabbing Royce’s shirt, I yank him off her as Cal storms over and spins me around, punching me with a left hook that sends my head swinging hard to the right. Together they tackle me and take me to the ground, and the three of us start rolling in the sand, trading punches and threats.

“Get them in now, fuckers, because you’re as good as dead!” I spit as Royce takes one of my punches to his temple, and Cal jabs his fist into my ribs.

With Royce on my chest and Cal on my legs, they pin me like I’m a pig being hog-tied. Blood mars my vision as I turn my head and search for Ellie, and when I find her, the only thing I can dois choke out…”run.”

Everything around me starts to fade, but as darkness starts to slip over my eyes, I hear a sickening crack. Cal falls down to one side, and Royce jumps up. Ellie is standing over me with a piece of driftwood clutched in both hands. She’s hit Cal with it, and her eyes are on Royce.

I sit up slowly, keeping one eye on Royce and the other on Ellie, and when I’m finally up on my feet, I grab the piece of wood from her trembling hands, and toss it to the ground.

“Come here,” I hold out my hand.

She looks at me, eyes filling with tears, and when her focus shifts to me, Royce grabs her by the hair, and yanks her hard against his chest. She yelps and I lunge for her, but when I do, he reaches behind his back and grabs a gun.

“I’d stop right now if I were you,” he says coolly, pointing the gun at the side of her head.

I throw both hands up and flick my eyes from him to her. “Royce, put the gun down.”

“Oh, shut up,” he spits out. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.”

“Listen to me, man. If you hurt her, your life will be over.”

“If I don’t take what’s mine, it will be. And I care about my life, more than I do hers.”

“Here’s the thing.” I hold out one hand while keeping the other raised. “I don’t. I care about her life, more than my own. So shoot me.”