Page 126 of Never Tear Us Apart

“Why?” He reaches out and grabs my arm, while looking over my head. “What’s wrong?”

Tucking both hands against my chest, I start to shiver. “Please, I need to go.”

“Now Ellery.” He pulls one hand down, then the other, and drags his eyes down my body as I stand there shaking. “You don’t have to do that.”

I swallow, not in the mood for his flirting right now. “I need to get to Cruz. Now.”

I look over my shoulder again. I can’t see Royce anymore, which sends me into a panic. “Please,” I whip my head back around.

“Now, just stay calm. Otherwise, my friend here will be very angry and we can’t have that.”


A hand wraps around my upper arm and yanks me back, ripping the air right out of my lungs. “I got it from here,” Royce spits out angrily.

“Do you?” Cal narrows his eyes and flicks them from me to Royce. “Seems to me she was about to get away.”

“I said I got it.” Royce yanks me back a bit more. “Now backoff.”

“Back off?” Cal’s eyes flash. “Now you listen to me, preppy. I told you Cruz was starting to put the pieces together. Don’t get bitchy with me because you didn’t take care of your shit.”

I look at Cal, a pit forming in my stomach. “You’re working with him?”

Royce wraps an arm around my waist, while wrapping his other across my chest. “Shut up, man. We don’t have time for this.”

“What’s going on?” I squirm as he pulls my back against his chest.

Cal grins mischievously. “Did you know that my friend here owns a stake in theBrave’sand has assured me a starting spot if I helped him secure you? Now, I don’t know about you,” he rubs a thumb along his chin, “but it looks to me like he’s got you.”

Tears well in my eyes when I realize not only has Royce betrayed me, but Cal’s betrayed Cruz.

A fresh tear rolls down my cheek and Cal wipes it with his finger then brings it to his lips. “Mmmm,” he moans while sucking his finger. “I knew that morning I saw you, you’d be sweet.”

“Fuck you!” I try to kick him and he jumps back.

“Ah, ah, ah,” he wiggles a finger. “Don’t hurt the merchandise. This body is going to make me a mint.”

“Makes sense, considering no one wants it for anything else.”

“Listen to me you little slut.” He leans in and eyes me like a mad man. “Your only hope right now is to shut up and get on your knees.”

“What?” Royce barks. “That wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Yeah, well plan’s changed. I’ve been dying to bury my cock in that tight little cunt of hers all summer. But since time is of the essence, I’ll settle for those sweet lips around my dick.”

Royce looks around quickly, and seeing the beach is stillabandoned, turns back to Cal. “No way man.”

“Sorry,” he shrugs. “I get sucked, and you get fucked. That’s the deal. Take it or leave it. Just know if you leave it, I’ll tell Cruz everything.”

Royce tightens his hold and blows out a tense breath. “You fucker.”

“Never said I was a prince.”

Royce and Cal stare at one another, and when Cal waggles his brows, Royce lets out a breath of defeat. “Alright, fine. But hurry.”

“Oh no. I’m taking my time. I want her to suck it nice and slow.”

I open my mouth to scream and Cal places his large hand over it, cutting off my air. I bite his hand and he cocks his hand back and punch slaps me. My ears ring and my eyes water, as my cheek feels like it’s been hit by a lead pipe. The force of his hit is night and day compared to Royce’s and I can’t help but cry out in pain.