Page 117 of Never Tear Us Apart


“I don’t care,” I cut her off. “I want you. Not as friends and not because a truce is good for our parents, but becauseweare good forus.”

Her eyes search mine, as if she’s looking for the punchline. Waiting for me to tell her this is a joke. But when she sees I’m dead serious, she sits up.

“I can’t get hurt again,” her voice falters. “I can’t feel that kind of pain I felt when I lost you, ever again.”

“You won’t,” I drop my hand and sit back slowly. “I will never hurt you again. I swear on my life.”

“What if this isn’t real?” She shakes her head. “What if this is just a moment of nostalgia?”

“Of course nostalgia is part of it. Every moment of that summer with you is etched in my soul, Ellie.Youare etched in my soul. But it’s more than that. It’s fate. You are my soulmate.”

“We were young.”

“We aren’t anymore,” I counter.

“It was the thrill of firsts.”

“No,” I shake my head adamantly. “What we are now and what we were then, is more real than anything I’ve ever felt in my life.”

“It was teen hormones,” she tosses out, almost without thinking.

“Midnight,” I say with conviction.

She looks at me, confused. “What?”

“Eleven thirty four.”

“Cruz?” she questions.

“And one thirty. The time of our first kiss, first time we had sex, and the time on my dashboard clock when I last kissed you.” Her lip trembles, and I brush my thumb along it, collecting the tear that rolls slowly down her cheek. “Oh, and one more. Eight forty five. This morning when I realized how much I love you.”


“Aw fuck, Ellie. I love you. I have loved you from the moment I first saw you. I didn’t tell you that summer, but I’m telling you now. You’re it for me. I don’t care what I need to do to keep you in my life this time, I’ll do it. I’m all in.”

She’s quiet as she takes in everything I’ve just said, and for a moment I wonder if I’ve come on too strong. If I’ve scared her. But then slowly, her lips pull into a soft, beautiful smile, and it stills me.

“Romeo and Julie are literally the worst couple,” she laughs, eyes shining. “They died young, and tragically I might add.”

“Because one could not live without the other,” I can’t help but smile back. “But their story isn’t ours. We are our own story.”

She jumps into my arms and I hold her tight as the reality of the moment hits me.

“You’re not scared?” she whispers.

“No way. You are what I want.”

“And scandal?” She looks up, hand on my chest.

“Baby, I am going to be such a big star, it won’t even matter. People won’t give a shit what I do, or who I love. Who knows, by the time our kids are old enough to date, no one will care who anyone is with, as long as they’re happy.”

“Kids?” She pulls back and looks up at me. “You’ve thought about kids?”

“Of course,” I can’t help but grin. “A boy and a girl. One with your looks and my arm, and one with my looks and your charm. And don’t forget grandkids.”

She laughs and shakes her head, and it cracks my chest wide open. “But we have plenty of time for all of that. I want years with you, all to myself. But you know…” I lay her down. “Practice makes perfect.”