Page 100 of Never Tear Us Apart

“Wait,” I shake my head, realizing what Jake just said. “What do you mean murder?”

He hands me the report. “Says Jane Doe died from acute asphyxiation. But did you see the marks noted on the diagram of the body? They’re at the neck.”

“Shit.” I hadn’t seen that. “You really are the son of a detective.”

Jake grins. “If Jane Doe is Caleb’s sister, why didn’t the Medical Examiner check with Cherry Cove Police to confirm her identity, especially since she was found there? A simple check for a dead missing girl would have connected the dots.”

“Something isn’t right,” I shake my head.

Our order number is called and I push up from where we’re sitting at a picnic table outside. “Come on. Let’s eat and when we get back, I’ll fill you in.”

“On everything?” he grins.

“On as much as a gentleman will allow,” I counter.

I give the attendant at the window our number and grab our food.

When we’re done, we head to the Jeep, and when I yank open the driver’s side door, I see a convertible black BMW drivingdown Main Street.

Royce fucking Richardson. So, the prick is ready to show his face.

“Hey, want to go work off these burgers?” I ask casually.

Jake hops into the passenger seat. “What do you have in mind brother?”

“It’s time to give that motherfucker the warning I wanted to give him this past weekend but held off on because a lady was present.”

Jake laughs. “And now?”

“Now, he needs to know if he touches Ellery again, he’s dead.”

“Again?” Jake’s eyes narrow.

“Let’s just say he wasn’t taking no for an answer when I got there.”

“Ah,” Jake nods. “That’s why you didn’t want to talk about it. But without knowing all the details, that definitely needs a warning. So, where do we find him?”

I nod to the street. “That black BMW that just passed by…that was him.”

“Well then, lead the way.”

I start the Jeep and back out of the parking space. “I thought you’d say so.”

We make our way down Main Street and I keep my eye on Royce’s car. “One question,” Jake asks.

“What’s that?” I turn down the radio.

“Wasn’t it you who warned me when we arrived, not to touch any of their faces?”

I laugh and follow Royce’s car into the parking lot for the boardwalk. “That I did, brother. But here’s the thing. I don’t plan to touch his face.”

I turn the radio back up slightly so I can hear the rest of the “Thunderstruck.” When the song is over, Jake hops out of theJeep and I do the same.

“We can sleep when we’re dead, right?” Jake shoots me a grin.

“Fucking A, brother, fucking A.”

Chapter 20