Aidan had collapsed with exhaustion and was in bed. I found it difficult to sleep though. I guess I just had a hard time processing what we had done tonight. Kyra was amazing. She was sensual, loving, but she had a wild streak that was impossible to not love, and it was clear why she meant so much to Aidan. I knew that I was an interloper to their love affair, but I could tell that she and I shared something as well. I just wasn’t quite sure exactly what, yet.
We hadn’t done anything else after she sucked us off. We all had things to think about. The taste of her lingered in my mouth though. I wasn’t ready to get rid of it just yet. I had no idea if it was going to happen again or not. Maybe she just wanted to try it once, and once would be enough. I hoped not. I knew I wouldn’t be able to compete with what she and Aidan shared, all their history, but I hoped that something could happen between us. Being with another woman just wasn’t going to be the same after Kyra.
The night was quiet. It was the small hours of the night, and it would be a while until dawn rose, its golden fingers spreading across the world. The moon was a sliver, and it was hard to see among the clouds. I went to sit outside. Aidan had told me about this place a long time ago; how he had built it with his own hands to give him and Kyra some privacy. I felt honored to be welcomed into this sacred part of the world. Outside there was an area where a fire could be lit, although I didn’t bother to do this at the moment. I didn’t mind the cold, which may have been strange for a dragon to say. My breath plumed out as I exhaled. There were overturned logs around this fire, and I saton one, turning my back to the cabin. The trees were thick, the ground sloping away. I strained my ears, but couldn’t hear much in the way of wildlife. There was running water nearby though, a silver stream that cut through the mountain. Other than that, the night was silent.
It wasn’t long before I heard the creaking door behind me. I angled my head and saw Kyra.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” she said, and went to head back inside.
“It’s okay. Come and join me. I could use the company.” She seemed torn, unsure if she should or not. In the end she decided that she would, and came to sit on another log. She stared at the unlit fire, just a collection of wood and kindling.
“So Aidan is sleeping,” I said.
“Yeah, seems like it. He’s always like that,” she smiled for a moment, but almost immediately that fell from her face.
“You two were close.”
“We were.” Her gaze flicked towards me, and then it darted away. It was hard to think of what to say when we had just been so intimate. Was I supposed to act like her lover, or was I still just a guest? I thought I ought to speak again though, otherwise the silence would become awkward. She seemed to have the same idea, and our words tumbled over each other. We both laughed and something eased between us.
“So you’re okay with this kind of thing then?” she asked eventually.
I shrugged. “I mean, it’s pretty much the way of our people, right?”
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t. Well, I think that if something feels right then it’s best to just go with it. I certainly had a good time tonight. And you are, well, you’re everything that Aidan promised you would be, and more.”
She blushed and turned away. “I don’t know about that… I’m not sure what happened tonight though. Something overwhelmed me. I don’t usually do things like that. I mean, I hardly know you.”
“I guess the fact that I’m close with Aidan is enough for you, or maybe your instincts told you that everything was going to be okay. Our instincts are powerful things, you know. We have to listen to them. We’re more attuned to the world than most creatures.”
She pursed her lips and averted her gaze. I was intrigued by one thing.
“Why didn’t you shift?” I asked. The question may have been blunt, but I believed that if you wanted to know something then you should ask it, otherwise everyone would live in ignorance.
“Aidan didn’t tell you?” she said, putting her hands in between her thighs. She had gotten dressed again, much to my dismay. I had put on my pants, but I was shirtless. I noticed how her gaze sometimes drifted towards my bare chest. I liked the attention.
“He didn’t tell me everything,” I said, smirking at her. She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it behind her ear, before returning it to her legs.
“Well, how about you tell me something about yourself and then I’ll tell you why I don’t like shifting,” she said. I couldn’t tell if she was nervous or just wanted to play a game, but I was willing to indulge her.
“I’m not sure there’s much to tell really. Grew up alongside Aidan. We’ve always done everything together. He told me that he wanted help to meet you again and so I helped him out.”
“Really, that’s your whole life summed up in one sentence?”
“I mean… I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve lived among the ruins with the other dragons, I’ve hunted and I’ve trained to hone my skills, and I’ve kept my thunder safe. There’s not really anything else that I’ve accomplished. I don’t think there is anything to accomplish.”
“Maybe not I guess, but not doing anything seems like an empty life. At least it does for me.”
“I just try and take each day as it comes. If I’m happy when night falls then I consider it to have been a good day, and I like to think I’ve been pretty lucky,” I said.
Kyra nodded slowly, chewing on her lower lip. “So you don’t have a mate of your own then?” she asked. It was strange in a way to talk to her like this. We had already been so intimate, and yet there was so much unknown between us.
“There have been other girls, but currently I do not have a mate. And for what it’s worth, Aidan and I did not intend to have this night happen as it did. It’s just that when I saw you, well, I was quite taken with you. Aidan seems happy to share as well.”
“I guess he gets that from his parents,” Kyra said, and from her tone I could tell that she didn’t have much fondness for them.