Grant scoffed. “Obviously. Isn’t that what tonight is all about?” His smile dropped, causing that dimple to disappear. “In all seriousness though, thanks for inviting me tonight. I know we’ve obviously seen each other since the breakup, but I wasn’t really sure if you’d want me here for this. It’s pretty clear that I haven’t been your favorite person.”

Annalise put a hand on top of Grant’s. She hated the fact that she made him feel that way. “It’s not like that at all. You really are still one of my favorite people. I was just super butt-hurt over you dumping me. I didn’t get it at the time, but I do now.”

“You do?”

“Of course. I love you, but it’s clear that we weren’t meant to be together.”

Grant nodded slowly, as if he was taking in everything Annalise was saying. “You weren’t the only one who was butt-hurt. I thought I wanted to spend forever with you, and when you made it clear you weren’t ready for that, I kind of dumped you out of spite. I hoped you would realize you couldn’t live without me and would come back ready to start our life together. But when you didn’t, I realized something.”

“And what was that?” This was the most Annalise had spoken to Grant since the breakup, and she was happy to finally have some closure.

“We weren’t meant to be. I was convinced we were because you were my best friend. And I’ve missed the hell out of you since the breakup, but only because I miss my friend. Does that make sense?”

“More than you realize.”

Grant smiled wide and that dimple returned. “Obviously. You and Brinley are a much better couple. That’s pretty obvious. I’m really happy for you, by the way. I hope I can find my person someday, too.”

“Wait. What?” Annalise’s head was spinning. What the hell was he talking about? How could he possibly know that there was something more between her and Brinley? And what made him think they were a couple? He couldn’t have been more wrong about that. “Brinley’s not… we’re not… I’m not…” Why can’t I form a fucking sentence? “Did Nathalie say something to you?”

Grant furrowed her eyebrows. “Nathalie? What are you talking about?”

“What are you talking about? Why do you think I’m dating Brinley? She’s my friend. I’m not…” Annalise couldn’t finish her sentence because it felt like a lie. She didn’t know how or if she wanted to label herself yet, but she was becoming more and more convinced that she wasn’t completely straight. The only person who knew that she was questioning it was Brinley though, and clearly she didn’t talk to Grant.

Grant’s face became even more confused. “You’re not dating Brinley?”

Annalise shook her head. “I don’t… I’ve never… dated women.”

“Wait. Are you saying you’ve never dated a woman or you never would?” Grant laughed and shook his head. “Shit. I’m sorry. I guess I shouldn’t just assume these things. I know we never talked about it, but the whole time we were dating, I honestly thought you were bi. It obviously didn’t matter to me either way. I was just excited you actually liked me.”

“Why did you think I was bi?” Annalise was pretty sure he wasn’t wrong, but she was curious how he would have known that when she had no clue.

“I don’t know. I guess I was being dumb. It was wrong of me to assume something without you telling me.” Grant stared down at the bar and ran his hand along the wood. Annalise could tell he was embarrassed, which made her feel guilty.

“I’m not offended. I’m truly curious.”

Grant shrugged. “When we used to watch movies or shows together, we always talked about the women we thought were hot. And there were a few times when we first started dating that we were out and another woman caught my eye. Each time it happened, when I looked over at you to make sure I hadn’t offended you by looking, I noticed your eyes lingering on her as well.”

Annalise laughed much louder than she meant to. How had she missed all of that about herself? Maybe Brinley was right. It was easy to blow off those feelings, when she also had feelings for guys. “You don’t have to feel bad for assuming that. I’m not ready to define anything, but I’m starting to think you might have been right.”

Annalise couldn’t believe she was admitting this out loud to her ex-boyfriend. She hadn’t even told Nathalie yet. Mostly because she didn’t know what to tell her since she was still working through it herself.

“If you ever want to talk about this or anything else, I’m here. I meant what I said. You really were my best friend. You still are. That’s why I miss you so much.”

Annalise could physically feel the hole that had formed in her heart when Grant dumped her starting to close. “I miss you, too. Can we be friends again?”

“You mean we aren’t already?” Grant asked with a laugh and a wink.

Annalise nudged him playfully once again. “You know what I mean. Can we go back to how we were before? Only, without the sex, of course.”

“What sex?” Grant laughed even harder now, and Annalise couldn’t help but laugh along with him.


When the bartender brought over seven shots, Grant held up his fingers. “Could we actually get two more? It’s my bestie’s birthday, and she needs to celebrate.”

The bartender nodded and quickly prepared two more shots for them. When he handed one to each of them, Grant held his in the air. “To friendship. And to each of us finding the person we’re meant to be with.”

“Cheers,” Annalise said before clinking her glass against Grant’s and emptying it with one big gulp. The drink burned as it went down her throat, causing Annalise to cough.