“Why do you look like someone just kicked your puppy?”

Brinley jumped about five feet in the air at the sound of Maddie’s voice. “Jesus Christ, Maddie, what did I say?”

“What did I say? You need to pay better attention. Seriously, though, what’s up? One minute, you had a big smile on your face. The next, it’s nothing but broody Brinley.” She grabbed Brinley’s cheeks as if she was a little kid.

Brinley swatted Maddie’s hand away. “I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong. Everything is great.” Brinley knew the sound of her voice was saying the complete opposite, but she had no idea why. Everything was fine. She had no reason to be upset.

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”

Brinley groaned. “Seriously, Maddie, I’m fine. I think I’m just exhausted from all the studying and it’s messing with me.”

“That’s understandable.” Maddie put an arm over Brinkley’s shoulder and pulled her close. “Don’t overdo it. If you have to sacrifice something, definitely make sure it’s studying, because sex is much more important.”

Brinley rolled her eyes and pushed Maddie away. “Thanks for the great advice, pal.”

Without realizing it, Maddie actually had helped. Her joke made Brinley laugh, which in turn jolted her from the funk she had almost gotten herself in for no reason at all.

When her phone vibrated in her pocket, Brinley pulled it out with a new goal to not get herself worried over whatever it said.

Thanks, Teach! We’ll have to figure out a time for our party later, but I promise it will happen as soon as we can coordinate it! I’ll make sure to text you after my “dates” next weekend!

Great. Can’t fucking wait.


By the time the day of Annalise’s lesson eight “test” rolled around, Brinley was feeling much more like herself. She had been happy to hear from Annalise the night before and listen to her stories about the lustrous Clarissa, who it turned out, was quite the lady killer. She had texted back and forth with Annalise all day as she freaked out about her first time touching, and possibly tasting, a woman other than Brinley. Brinley reassured her that she was going to do great, which wasn’t a lie. Annalise was amazing in bed, and this woman was about to get her world rocked.

She looked up at the clock on her TV. Correction, the woman was probably already getting her world rocked. It had probably been rocked a few times at this point. And Brinley was so happy about that. She was ridiculously happy for whoever this fucking woman was who got to have sex with, quite honestly, the sexiest woman Brinley knew.

Her spiraling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door. Shit. It didn’t happen often, but every once in a while, a drunk person stumbled up her stairs and knocked on her door, looking for a bathroom. Since Maddie wasn’t working so it couldn’t be her, Brinley was sure that’s what it was. She’d learned pretty early on that if she tried to ignore these knocks, they normally just got louder and more obnoxious, so she had no choice but to open the door and shoo them away.

When Brinley pushed open the door, she was shocked at what she found. It wasn’t a drunk person, but instead, a tall blonde with eyes as blue as the ocean, and a tight, red knee-length dress that left nothing to the imagination. “Annalise? What are you doing here?”

Annalise walked inside the door and immediately began talking at a mile a minute, her hands moving around expressively as she spoke. “So, this is going to sound crazy, but hear me out, okay? I went to Gemma’s place. You know, as planned. I played it cool and acted confident just like you said, and it worked. Man, did it work. I’m not kidding when I say, I don’t think I was even there for thirty seconds before we were ripping each other’s clothes off in her room. The first time was fast. Almost too fast, but still great. Then I decided to just go for it before I could overthink it and I went down on her. She started to go down on me and I was getting closer and closer until… her ex knocked on the door. Long story short, I’m pretty sure they are getting back together as we speak and I… Well, I didn’t finish, and you guys actually live super close to each other, so I figured I’d come here. But saying that out loud right now sounds really stupid.”

Brinley put her hand up to stop Annalise from rambling more. “So, what you’re saying is you’re really turned on and using me to finish the job that some other woman started?” A million fireworks burst inside of Brinley’s heart. “Hell, yeah! Get in here and use me, baby.”

She pulled Annalise into her apartment and Annalise made the cutest little squeal of surprise when Brinley wasted no time kissing her. Brinley continued to kiss her as she pulled her through the apartment and into her room. She pulled Annalise’s dress over her head in one swift motion and kneeled down in front of her to place kisses up and down her stomach.

Annalise put a hand on Brinley’s head and ran her fingers through her hair. “Thanks for being so cool about this. I still feel weird about doing it. I never want you to think that you’re option two.”

“I know.” More kisses. Her hands moved up Annalise’s sides and back down again. She wanted to kiss and touch her everywhere, but she knew exactly where she needed to start. “So, you said she was going down on you when you two got cut off, huh?” she asked as she shimmied Annalise’s thong down her legs.

“Yeah, but if you don’t want… Oh!”

Brinley stopped Annalise from talking with a broad stroke of her tongue. She couldn’t explain why, but she was ravenous. She needed to finish what the other woman had started, and she needed to finish it even better than she would have. “Was it like this?” Another stroke of the tongue.

“K-kind of.”

Brinley licked once more then sat back to gaze up at Annalise. “How was it different?”

Another lick. Another pause. She sat back and waited for Annalise’s answer, which came in the form of Annalise putting her hands in Brinley’s hair and forcing her mouth tight up against her once again. “It’s… Oh, God. Y-you’re better. You’re so much better.”

Brinley pulled away once again. “Are you just saying that because I’m the one going down on you right now?”

“N-no. No one has compared to you. You’re the best by far.”

“Oh, yeah?” Long stroke of her tongue. Shit, she loved this. “What makes me better than all the other women you’ve been with?”