“Surprise,” Annalise said while hugging her from the side.

Brinley laughed because she was afraid if she didn’t, she might start to cry again. “Shit, babe. This is so sweet.” Her stomach grumbled at the exact same time another lower part of her body reacted. “Not going to lie, it’s also a really big turn-on. I wish I wasn’t so tired.”

Annalise hummed as if she was considering what Brinley had just said. “How ’bout this? You relax and eat the pizza and while you do, I’ll eat you.”

Brinley must have been dreaming. This blew every fantasy she had ever had completely out of the water. Brinley didn’t even have to respond because Annalise had already scooted down the bed and was in the process of pulling off her pants and underwear.

Brinley grabbed a slice of pizza and rested her head back against her pillow. “Holy shit. I have the best fucking girlfriend in the whole world.”

Annalise looked up from where she had started placing kisses along Brinley’s thighs. “Did you just call me your girlfriend?”

Shit. I did say that, didn’t I? “Yeah. Sorry. It just kind of slipped out. We don’t have to label anything if you’re not ready to.”

Annalise laughed. “I left a trail of rose petals back to your bed. I think it’s safe to say I’m more than okay with being your girlfriend.”

“Well, girlfriend, don’t mind me. I’ll just be up here enjoying my favorite meal.” Brinley moaned as she took a bite of the pizza, the moan becoming louder when Annalise ran her tongue across Brinley’s center.

Annalise looked up from between Brinley’s legs and raised an eyebrow. “And I’ll be down here enjoying mine.”

Holy fucking shit. How did I get so lucky? “I love you so much, babe.”

“I love you too, Brinley. I always will.”

1 month later

Brinley stared at the website on her computer, scared to death to login. The hand sitting on her leg squeezed it gently.

“I have no question that you did amazing, but no matter what happens, it’s going to be okay. If you need to retake it, I’ll help you every step of the way. If one of these stupid schools doesn’t let you in, I’ll go give them a piece of my mind.”

That made Brinley laugh. “I’m just picturing you walking into UPenn like, ‘My girlfriend is the smartest person I know. Why didn’t you accept her?’”

“It wouldn’t be exactly like that. I’d also add in how good you are in bed.”

Brinley snorted. No matter what number popped up on that screen, at least she had her girlfriend, who was quite literally the most amazing woman in the entire world. “So, the average score of accepted applicants is 512 at Drexel and Cooper, 513 at Temple, 514 at Jefferson, 515 at Robert Wood Johnson, and 522 at UPenn, so I just need to fall somewhere in that range. I’m not expecting to get into UPenn, so if I can fall somewhere around 517, I’ll be happy.”

Annalise squeezed Brinley’s leg once again. “You got this. Online it said that 509-514 are competitive scores to get into med school. Remember—those aren’t the only schools that exist. ”

“I know, but I want to stay around Philly.” I want to stay close to you.

“If you don’t, we’ll figure it out together, okay?”

The look in Annalise’s eyes seemed to say I’ll follow you anywhere and Brinley selfishly hoped that was the case. Even though their relationship was new, she had no question that Annalise was her forever.

“Okay. I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

Brinley typed in her login information then worked to navigate the confusing page. If I can’t figure out a fucking website, how am I supposed to survive medical school? She finally found where she was supposed to be and scanned the page to find her score.

Annalise gasped and said, “Holy shit, Brinley,” at the same time Brinley’s eyes landed on the score. 519. Even better than she expected.

Brinley jumped from the couch at the same time Annalise did and they met in a tight embrace. Annalise squealed and jumped up and down, taking Brinley along with her. “My girlfriend is the smartest girl in the world.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, but I am pretty fucking great,” Brinley joked. “Let’s not forget this is just the beginning. Now I have to get all my applications in, do interviews, pray to every god there is, and then spend the next year and a half spending as much time together before my life is nothing but school.”

“First of all, you’re going to get in. There’s no question about that. Also, while I’m very excited to make the most of our time together until you start, I’m not worried about our future. While you’re in school for the next million years, I will be here to take care of you. I do owe you after all.”

“For what?”

Annalise had given Brinley just as much or more than Brinley had given her.