Brinley walked over to Annalise and wrapped her in her arms the same way she had earlier. “Only the ones that were as hot as you.”

“Oh, yeah? And how many was that?”

Brinley scoffed as if this was a stupid question, because fantasy or not, it was. “Zero, obviously. No one is as hot as you.”

“Very smooth.” Annalise ran her hands up Brinley’s stomach and squeezed her breasts over her bra. “I really missed you today.”

Brinley could barely breathe. “I missed you, too.” She acted as if she was looking around Annalise. “What’s for dinner?”

“My special chicken parm.”

“Mm. My favorite.”

Annalise’s hands now moved back down Brinley’s body and squeezed her ass. “I know. That’s why I made it. My sexy doctor wife deserves a good meal when she gets home.”

“Mm. Is that all I deserve?”

Annalise lightly bit her ear before whispering into it and causing goosebumps to pop up over Brinley’s whole body. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

Before they started, Brinley had every intention of fucking Annalise hard and fast right there in the kitchen, but something had changed. Now she wanted to be slow and sensual. She wanted to worship Annalise and show her just how much… this is just roleplay, Brinley… How much she cared about her.

“How ’bout I show you?” Brinley asked before taking Annalise’s hand and leading her back to the bedroom, the one that belonged to the two of them in this fantasy. A chill ran down her spine at the thought.

Once in the room, they slowly removed what little clothes they were wearing. As soon as they were in the bed, Brinley brought her body on top of Annalise’s. Instead of touching her with her hands, she took in every spot their bare skin touched. Annalise’s legs entangled with hers. Breast to breast. Hearts beating as one. Brinley could have spent the whole night lost in this moment, but she also wanted more.

“Can we try something different tonight?” she asked softly.

Annalise swallowed hard. “What do you have in mind?”

“Do you trust me?”

“With my life.”

Brinley adjusted herself to bring her center to Annalise’s. As soon as they came together, Annalise gasped. Her eyes went wide for a split second before she closed them and bit her bottom lip. It was the most beautiful thing Brinley had ever seen. “Annalise, I…” Just a fantasy. “Love being your wife.”

Annalise’s lips tilted into a smile and her cheeks turned the slightest bit red as her eyes slowly opened back up. For a few very intense seconds, she stared at Brinley without saying a word. When she finally spoke, her words were soft but powerful. “I’m so happy I get to spend forever with you.”

There were no words to describe what she was feeling at that moment, so Brinley brought her body even closer to Annalise’s and moved against her. She pushed into her as if she was trying to crawl inside of her and stay there forever, because right now, that was all she really wanted. The harder she pushed her body into Annalise, the more Annalise’s body rose to meet her. They kept this rhythm going until they came at the exact same time. It was perfect.

Reality hit Brinley like a ton of bricks. Annalise wasn’t just her student. She wasn’t just a friend she had sex with. She was the woman that Brinley was falling head over heels for, and she couldn’t stop herself if she tried. As if that wasn’t scary enough for someone who swore off relationships years ago, just a few minutes ago, she had agreed to spend Christmas together.


Chapter 17


Annalise paced the floor of her apartment as she waited for Nathalie to arrive. After spending all morning obsessing over Brinley coming later in the day to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with her family, she couldn’t take it anymore. Everything was piling up and her questions were begging to be answered. In a moment of desperation, she had told Nathalie that she needed to talk, and Nathalie jumped on that opportunity, telling her she’d be right over.

She was nervous to put everything that was going on inside of her out into the open, but she needed to. Even though she knew it was coming, the knock on her door caused her to jump. She composed herself as much as possible then yelled for Nathalie to come in.

“You look like shit,” Nathalie said after taking one look at Annalise.

Not a great start. Annalise looked down at her outfit, which was tight jeans and a nice Christmas sweater and ran a hand through the hair she had taken hours on . Where did I go wrong?

“Oh, I’m not talking physically,” Nathalie said, interrupting her internal panic. “You look fucking hot. I hope you told Brinley to get here a while before you actually have to be at your grandma’s, because she’s going to rip your clothes off. No question. You just look like you’re going to be sick, or maybe you already were. I guess what I should have said was, ‘Are you okay?’”

Annalise shook her head. Rip the bandaid off. “I think… I’m pretty sure… like almost positive… but I don’t know, it’s hard to say for sure, but that might just be because I’m afraid to say it out loud. Because it’s big. Really big. I think… no…. I am bisexual.”