“Good,” Annalise said, her voice much softer now. “I’ll be over within two hours. Hopefully less.”

An hour and a half later, there was a knock on Brinley’s door and when she opened it, she found Annalise standing there with bags full of food and a backpack on her back.

“Sorry,” Annalise said as she walked into the apartment. “My mom doesn’t know how to do anything small.”

Brinley’s stomach growled just from the smell of the food in Annalise’s hands. “I’m very thankful for that right now.”

Annalise walked right into Brinley’s kitchen and put all of the food out on the counter. “Is there any particular reason you didn’t do anything today?” Her voice wasn’t accusatory, just curious.

“With each of my parents having multiple exes, holidays are always a mess. With all of the studying I have to do, I decided to just skip them this year.”

“Them as in…?” Annalise let her voice trail off.

“I’m not going to celebrate Christmas with them either. I already told them, and they understand. Every year, it’s a fight over what I do for Thanksgiving and then the week of Christmas is normally spent visiting with my parents, ex-step parents, current step siblings, old step siblings, half siblings. Don’t get me wrong, I do love my family. It’s just too much when I have a life-changing test to study for.”

“That sounds like a lot.” Annalise blew out a breath. “So, you’re going to spend Christmas alone?”

Brinley shrugged. She hadn’t realized how sad that sounded until she heard it out loud. “I don’t really have much of a choice. If I could celebrate the holiday on just one, maybe two, days without pissing off everyone I wasn’t seeing, I would do it. But there’s too many different family members to cram them all into Christmas Eve and Christmas, so I figured I’m better off seeing no one.”

“You should spend Christmas with my family.”

“What?” Brinley was sure she must have heard that wrong. There was no way Annalise had just asked her to spend arguably the biggest day of the year with her family.

Annalise continued putting food onto plates as if what she just said wasn’t a big deal. “Christmas Eve can be a little crazy because all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles go to my grandma’s house, but Christmas is just my immediate family and Grandma. You should come for both. I know you need to study, so I promise we’ll work in time for that as well.” Annalise finally turned around and looked at Brinley with so much sincerity shining from her eyes that Brinley thought she might start to cry. “No one should spend Christmas alone, especially not you.”

“I’ll be there.” Brinley tried to think of any way to change the subject so her emotions didn’t get the best of her. She pointed to the plates Annalise had filled with so much food; she had no idea how they would ever finish it all. “I love this whole housewife thing you have going on right now. It’s pretty sexy.”

Annalise laughed and put one of the plates into the microwave. “Don’t get too excited. Heating up food that someone else has already cooked is the extent of my kitchen skills.”

Brinley didn’t care if Annalise burnt ramen noodles. She had no question she would look sexy doing it. For some reason, her mind went to Annalise in an apron. Nothing, but an apron. She was suddenly even hungrier, but not for food.

She wrapped her arms around Annalise’s waist and placed a kiss on her neck. “How would you feel about roleplaying tonight?”

“What did you have in mind?”

Brinley pulled Annalise tight up against her, relishing in the way their bodies fit together so perfectly. “I’m getting home from a long day at work and my wife, i.e. you , is in the kitchen making dinner. I get all hot and bothered watching her cook and have my wicked way with her.”

“That’s your fantasy? It sounds like life.”

“Maybe. Except I was hoping I would come home to find you in just an apron.”

Annalise hummed her approval. “Do you have any scrubs?”

Strange question. “I do, actually. I volunteered at a hospital for a little bit last year and they gave me some. Why?”

“My fantasy is to watch my doctor wife come in from a long day at work, then somehow still find the energy to have her wicked way with me.”

Shit. Why is this such a turn-on? Brinley never thought fantasizing about coming home to her wife would make her heart race and cause other parts of her body to react as well. “The apron is in the top right drawer. You have five minutes, and then we begin.”

Brinley ran out of the kitchen and down the hall to her bedroom, tearing through her drawers until she finally found her scrubs. After staring at them for a minute, she threw the top to the side, grabbed the sexiest red bra and thong she could find, and changed into them and the scrub pants. This was a fantasy after all.

Brinley bounced around her room as she impatiently waited for five minutes to pass by. At exactly five minutes, she channeled her future doctor self and walked out of the room. She definitely wasn’t prepared for what was waiting for her though. Annalise stood at the stove with her back to Brinley and ass on full display. Brinley had to lean on the counter because she thought she might faint from the sight. Annalise was pretending to stir a pot and doing it completely wrong, but that only made Brinley swoon even harder. She had a minute to stare and take in the scene before Annalise realized she was standing there.

“Oh, sweetie, you’re home,” Annalise said as she spun around. “How was your—?” As soon as Annalise’s eyes landed on Brinley, her words stopped and her jaw dropped. “Holy shit.”

“You like it?” Brinley stretched out her arms and spun in a circle.

Annalise nodded a few times before any words came out. “I love it. Did you see patients that way?”