Annalise shook her head. As amazing as that sounded, one of them had to be the mature one right now. “I think Dale might get suspicious when all of his alcohol starts disappearing.”

“That’s true, but you know what he definitely won’t miss?”

“What’s that?”

“One shot of tequila.” Brinley nodded behind Annalise. “Lay down.”

“Are you going to…?”

“Take a tequila shot off of you? Hell yeah, I am.”

“I thought people only did that at parties as a way to show off.”

“Maybe other people do that, but I’m doing it because I want an excuse to put my mouth on you again.”

Brinley shook a trail of salt down Annalise’s stomach, poured the tequila in and around her belly button, then ran her tongue down Annalise’s body and slurped out the alcohol. As if that wasn’t enough to have her going crazy, she then licked up her center as well and sucked on her clit.

Brinley smirked and shrugged. “Sorry. I didn’t have a lime, so I had to use the next best thing.”

Annalise raised a flirtatious eyebrow. “ The next best thing, huh?”

“You’re right. I guess it was a little better than a lime.”

Annalise couldn’t handle the way Brinley was looking at her as if she still wanted to eat her up. And God, that’s what Annalise wanted, too. Annalise sat up slightly and rested back against her elbows so she could get a better view of Brinley. She ran her eyes over Brinley’s perfect naked body then looked down at her own. “Maybe you should finish what you started.”


After spending much more time in the bar than was smart and completely sanitizing it, Annalise and Brinley went back up to Brinley’s apartment.

“So, now that we had a bunch of practice, do you think you’re ready for your test?” Brinley asked as she boiled pasta to make them spaghetti.

“I think so. I guess I’ll just have Lexie come over to my apartment and have my way with her in the kitchen.” Annalise enjoyed Lexie. They had already gotten together for a second time, and Lexie had greeted her by not just going down on her once, but twice in a row. It was like she was back to her pillow princess days, except this time she got to repay the favor.

Still, there was a part of her that felt weird about the whole thing. She knew she had every right to hookup with whoever she wanted whenever she wanted, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was somehow cheating on Brinley. It made no sense since Brinley was the one cheering her along.

“Lexie again? That’s cool.” There was something off about the tone of Brinley’s voice, but Annalise couldn’t figure out what it was.

“Yeah, I figured I probably shouldn’t have sex with a woman I’ve just met on top of my kitchen counter.” Annalise moved behind Brinley and laid her head on her shoulder. “Plus, I’m not sure if I’m going to keep pursuing women on Lit Clit . I’ve already hit the goal my grandma gave me.”

Brinley rested her head against Annalise’s as she continued to stir the pasta. “You don’t want to do it anymore?”

Annalise sighed. Right now, all she wanted was to get lost in this moment. “I’m not sure what I want.” Why does that feel like a lie?

“Well, I’m about to get even busier with studying, so unfortunately, I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for sex.”

“Will you still have time for this?” Annalise asked as she snuggled in closer. She couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing Brinley as much. She didn’t care about the sex. She just wanted time with her friend.

Brinley chuckled. “What is this exactly?”

“Food and studying together.”

“You wanna study with me? Even if I’m too tired to have sex?”

“Only if you cook for me,” Annalise joked. “I’m just kidding. Of course I want to. I’ll use any excuse to stare at that cute ass.”

“Fully clothed, of course.” Brinley smiled at her with a smile that resembled a child’s—carefree and wistful.

“Of course.”