“Are you sure? Because that chocolate cake was banging.” The shakiness to Brinley’s voice told Annalise she wasn’t keeping her cool as much as she’d like to pretend she was. Annalise loved the fact that she could have that effect on her. It encouraged her to keep going.

She moved her hands to Brinley’s ass to prompt her to come closer, and then she really went for it. She licked and sucked Brinley in all the places and ways she had learned that she loved. Brinley’s breathing picked up and she started to move against Annalise’s mouth. After only a few seconds she moved away, and Annalise immediately felt the loss.

“Sorry. I was about to come and I want to save that for when you’re inside me.”

Brinley continued what Annalise had interrupted earlier and put some lube onto her hands. She moved her hands up and down the length of the dildo and it was so sexy, Annalise swore she could somehow feel her touch.

“I’m going to lower myself down onto it now. Do you want to hold it or do you want me to?”

“I want to.”

There was something so incredibly sensual about holding onto the dildo as Brinley lowered herself onto it, the length of the dildo slowly disappearing inside of her. Annalise watched in awe as Brinley moved up and down on top of the object between her legs, eyes closed, tongue out as if she was deeply focused.

When she opened her eyes after a few seconds, they latched right on to Annalise’s. “Now is when you fuck me, baby.”

Annalise wasn’t really sure what that meant from her side, but she wasn’t going to ruin the moment by asking. Instead, she put her hands back on Brinley’s ass and pushed her hips up as Brinley moved hers down. They got into a rhythm and soon Annalise didn’t need to overthink what she was doing. She was at the mercy of her body and Brinley’s, and those bodies knew exactly what they wanted. It wasn’t long before Brinley moaned in pleasure as she pushed into Annalise one final time. The way the object pushed back against her, along with the sight of Brinley falling apart above her, was enough to make Annalise come as well.

As Brinley rolled off her, Annalise struggled to catch her breath. “Wow. That was… Oh my God. Was that really good for you? Because it was amazing for me. Shit.”

Brinley laughed and placed a kiss on Annalise’s cheek. She seemed to be doing that a lot tonight. Annalise didn’t mind. It was just very different from their usual interactions. “You couldn’t tell? It was fucking ecstasy for me. Good God, woman. Is there anything you can’t do?” Brinley kissed her once again. “Happy birthday, by the way.”

“You’re saying that like we’re done here. We still need to use that vibrator.”

Brinley wiggled her eyebrows. “Anything else you want to try now that you’re a twenty-eight year old?”

Annalise laughed because she was pretty sure she knew what Brinley was talking about and for the first time with Brinley, her answer was a resounding hell no. “If you’re talking about anything that involves my butt, it’s a big no. One time, I was constipated and Grant had to stick a suppository up there. I couldn’t even handle that.” Definitely an overshare, but Annalise couldn’t take it back now.

Luckily, Brinley just laughed in response to her embarrassing story. “I honestly can’t understand how you guys didn’t have any passion in your relationship.” The sarcasm dripped from her voice.

“Ha. Ha.” Annalise poked Brinley in the side. “We actually had a very good talk about that when we were standing at the bar tonight. We both agreed we fell for each other more as best friends and confused that as more. It makes so much sense, and weirdly enough, I think I needed that to get some closure on our relationship. It was hard since nothing major happened to lead to our break up.”

Annalise thought about telling Brinley that Grant thought she was bi the whole time they were dating, but she worried that would lead into all of the things he had mentioned about her and Brinley, and the last thing she wanted was to scare Brinley away. She knew Brinley wasn’t looking for a relationship. Not that she was either. She was just having the fun everyone seemed to think she needed.

“This is nice,” Brinley said as she burrowed her head into Annalise's chest.

Annalise hoped she didn’t notice how fast her heart was beating from this simple contact. “It really is. Don’t fall asleep though. I have plans for you. You’re a busy woman. I have to take advantage of any time we have.”

Brinley laughed and it caused her body to vibrate up against Annalise’s in a way that had her heart beating even faster than it was before. “The way you say that makes it sound like I’m busy with things much more exciting than studying and work. Plus, you’ll see me in a few days. Nathalie made me promise I wouldn’t miss Wine Wednesday this week.”

“Well, Nathalie was clearly drunk when she made you promise that seeing as how we’re not doing Wine Wednesday this week. Our event coordinator recently quit, so I have to host an event at my apartment. But you should totally come the following week. I know my grandma would love to see you.” And so would I.

“I’m supposed to work, but I’ll see if Maddie can switch shifts with me. I’ve done it for her a ton of times, so I’m sure we can work something out.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. I want to see you.” Brinley moved her head slightly and placed a kiss on Annalise’s chest. “I hope I can see you before that, too.”

I want to see you every minute of every day .

What the hell? Where did that thought come from? Annalise definitely had too much to drink tonight. Thank God she had enough sense not to speak those thoughts out loud. Instead, she regained her cool and made sure the innuendo was clear in her tone. “You’ll be seeing a whole lot more of me tonight.”

“Damn, I love the sound of that.”

Me too.


Annalise whistled as she hit the button to take the elevator back up to her apartment. The universe seemed to have something against her and Brinley seeing each other because every time they tried to make plans since her birthday, something had come up. It was finally time for Wine Wednesday and Brinley had already worked a full shift that afternoon, so there was no way she was going to be forced to work the night shift as well.