Brinley did as she was told and followed Annalise to the door. As soon as Annalise opened it and her grandma saw both of them standing there, a wide knowing grin spread over her face. “So, that’s what took you so long, huh?”

“I was just, um,” Annalise cleared her throat, “showing Brinley something in my room. We didn’t hear you at first.”

“Showing her something, huh?” Annalise’s grandma laughed as she walked past them into the apartment. “I'm sure you were.”

Brinley tried not to laugh, but it was hard not to. Annalise’s grandma was the most dirty-minded old person she’d ever met. She wasn’t wrong about what was happening between them, but that only made it funnier to Brinley.

Annalise took her grandma’s arm and led her to the couch to sit down. “Why did you walk all the way here, Grandma? You should have called. You know you’re not supposed to do anything strenuous.”

“Strenuous?” Annalise’s grandma laughed and waved her hand. “Poo-ey. Walking isn’t strenuous. I’m not dead… yet.” Her eyes twinkled when she said the word yet. “Plus, I wanted to give you your birthday present.”

She pushed a bag over toward Annalise. When Annalise pulled a bottle of wine and a wine glass that read Let’s Wine About It out of the bag, Brinley started to laugh. No way. “Hold on.” She stood from the couch and grabbed the other gift she had gotten Annalise. “Open it.”

Both Annalise and her grandma appeared confused about why Brinley had butted in until Annalise opened the bag to find a bottle of wine and three more glasses that were the exact same as the one Annalise’s grandma had bought her.

Annalise’s grandma patted Brinley on the knee and laughed. “Great minds think alike, huh?”

Brinley’s heart swelled at the love from Annalise’s grandma. It was almost like having a piece of her own grandma back. “I guess so. I got three so you and Nathalie could have one too. It looks like you guys will be able to take turns double-fisting your wine.”

Annalise’s grandma scoffed. “Nonsense. This just means you’ll have to be a regular at Wine Wednesday.”

Don’t cry, Brinley. “I’ll definitely make sure to attend once I’m not studying all the time.” Brinley smiled at Annalise who smiled back at her in a way that had her stomach in knots. “That is, if Annalise doesn’t get sick of me.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that, dear.” Annalise’s grandma winked at Brinley then looked between her and Annalise. “So, what are you two doing tonight? Aside from each other.”

Brinley laughed so hard she couldn’t hear the lecture she was sure Annalise was giving her grandma at that moment. It took her a few seconds to stop laughing, and by the time she did, Annalise was explaining their plan to get dinner and drinks at the local pub.

“That’s nice,” her grandma said, her voice wistful as if she wished she had been invited. “Who’s going?”

That was a good question, one that Brinley also didn’t know the answer to. Not that she was going to know any of the names that Annalise rattled off, but it would be nice to know how many people she could expect.

“Just Nathalie, Boden, Acacia, Max, and Grant.”

Grant? Why does that name sound familiar? Isn’t that…?

Brinley’s thoughts were cut off by the sound of Annalise’s grandma cackling. “I’m so happy that asshole ex-boyfriend of yours is going to be a seventh wheel.”

“I told you, Grandma, Grant’s actually a really nice guy. He had every right to break up with me.”

“Sure. Sure.” Annalise’s grandma stood from the couch and began slowly making her way to the door. Before she reached it, she turned around with a big shit-eating grin on her face. “He’s definitely going to feel that way when he sees your girlfriend here with her shirt inside out.”

Brinley quickly looked down at her shirt, that was, indeed, inside out. Oops. When she looked back up, Annalise’s grandma winked at her then laughed as she walked out the door. Brinley could hear her laughing the whole way down the hallway.

“Why didn’t you tell me my shirt was on inside out?” Brinley asked once the laughing faded out. She normally wasn’t one to get embarrassed easily, but getting caught by the grandma of the girl she’s having sex with wasn’t exactly on her bucket list.

“I honestly didn’t notice.” The way Annalise pursed her lips told Brinley she was trying not to laugh. “I’m sorry my grandma has no filter.”

“Please don’t apologize. I love her lack of filter.” Honestly, it wasn’t her grandma’s dirty comments that caused the strange sensation bubbling up in Brinley’s stomach. It was the mention of Annalise’s ex. She didn’t care that Annalise invited him. She could have whoever she wanted at her birthday celebration, and if she wanted him there, he should be. But the question was why she wanted him there, unless… shit. Am I about to lose my fuck buddy?

“So, anything I should know about this ex of yours?” she asked, trying to keep her voice level. “Your grandma doesn’t seem to be a very big fan of his.”

Annalise rolled her eyes. “Grant is harmless. My grandma just doesn’t like the fact that he broke my heart.”

Broke her heart? Brinley didn’t like that either. She wasn’t sure how she could like anyone who could break a girl like Annalise’s heart. I guess I’ll try to give him a shot. Doubtful that she could actually make herself like him.


Twenty minutes into Annalise’s birthday celebration, Brinley already loved all of her friends. Boden was cool and soft-spoken, which was the perfect balance to Nathalie’s personality. Acacia and Max were both hilarious in different ways. Max tried to be funny, but unlike most guys who tried too hard, he actually was. Acacia was witty. It was easy to tell she wasn’t even trying, which only served to make her that much funnier. Then there was Grant. As much as Brinley wanted to hate him, she couldn’t. Annalise was right. He was a total sweetheart. No wonder she fell for him. Is she still in love with him? Brinley wondered to herself. It would honestly be hard not to be. Hell, Brinley was practically in love with him, and she didn’t even like men.