“Of course. I’m sure you have a lot to do.”

Brinley didn’t miss the way Maddie’s eyes traveled to Annalise as she said those words. She worried the obvious innuendo might make Annalise feel uncomfortable, but the smile never left her face as she wrapped an arm around Brinley’s waist. “She sure does, but first, she needs to get her studying done.” She winked, and for the first time Brinley had ever seen, Maddie was left completely speechless.

Holy shit. Brinley was more than ready for what was coming after this study session.

Chapter 11


“If I have to answer one more question, my head might explode.”

Annalise looked down at the book in her hands, all the words on the page blurry from how long she had been staring at it. She truly had no idea how Brinley did this day after day. “Just one more. What do you want for dinner?”

Brinley smiled maliciously as she took the study book from Annalise’s hands and threw it onto her coffee table. “That’s easy. I want you.”

She positioned herself so she was hovering right above Annalise, which caused all rational thoughts to leave Annalise’s body. That was until her stomach decided to inform both of them that sex wasn’t happening yet. “Food, then sex.”

“ Or we order food, have sex while we’re waiting for it, then do it all over again once we’re done eating.”

Brinley was insatiable and Annalise loved it, since it turned out she kind of was too. She had always been take it or leave it with sex, but around Brinley, she craved it constantly. Every little move Brinley made had her fantasizing about touching her, so to say she was ready was an understatement. “I like the way you think. What should we order?”

“How do you feel about pizza?”

“I feel great about pizza.”

“Pizza it is then.” Brinley put an order through to a local Italian restaurant then joined Annalise back on the couch. “So, should we start our next lesson before or after dinner?”

Lesson eight was sex toys and since Annalise had never been into that sort of thing, it was all new to her, and in all honesty, a bit scary. “Aren’t I supposed to take a pre-test for that or something?” she asked, trying to prolong the inevitable. She really wanted to have sex right now, but what she didn’t want was to look like an idiot in front of Brinley.

“Oh, yeah!” Brinley’s eyes lit up as she jumped up from the couch and ran from the room.

A minute later, she came back carrying a piece of paper and a pen. She handed them both to Annalise, and when Annalise looked down at the paper, her head started to spin. On the page was a list of descriptions on one side and pictures of sex toys on the other side. Annalise thought she was an idiot when it came to the information she was reviewing with Brinley for the MCAT, but she knew even less about this. She felt like she was back in college, staring down at a pop quiz she was guaranteed to fail. Just like in school, she thought about all the ways that one failure would ruin everything for her. Brinley is going to think I’m an idiot. I’m going to look like such a prude. This shouldn’t be a new concept. Heterosexual couples use sex toys all the time.

“Everything okay?” Brinley asked at the same time a bead of sweat from Annalise’s forehead landed on the paper.

“Can I be honest? I don’t know anything on here.”

“That’s perfect!” Brinley said, sounding much more excited than the situation warranted.

“It is?”

Brinley took the paper out of Annalise’s hands and tossed it, then straddled her lap. “Of course. It means I get to teach you. I love teaching you.”

She grinded against Annalise’s lap, and Annalise pushed her hips up to bring them even closer. She was already thrumming with anticipation. Even though she had sex with Brinley that morning, it felt like way too long ago at this point. “You’re a great teacher.”

“Mm. I was hoping you’d say that.” Brinley ground harder as she kissed across Annalise’s neck and up to her ear, licking it before whispering into it, “Mind if I go get something?”

Annalise would have said yes to anything at that point, and since words were hard with Brinley moving against her like this, she nodded in response.

Brinley smiled like a little kid who was just told she could have five more minutes of recess and jumped from Annalise’s lap. She ran out of the room, and without Brinley’s body as a very welcome distraction, Annalise’s nerves returned. Brinley was always so patient and kind, but the last thing she wanted was to completely embarrass herself in front of her.

When Brinley walked back into the room a few minutes later, Annalise’s mouth went dry. She was completely naked, which was all Annalise noticed at first since it was highly distracting. Her eyes immediately went to Brinley’s chest, which seemed to be screaming out for Annalise’s hands and mouth.

She moved her eyes down Brinley’s body and choked on her own saliva when she saw what was hanging between her legs. She was wearing a harness that had a huge rainbow object attached to it. It had more girth than anything Annalise had ever had near (or inside) her. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was rainbow -colored, it probably would have been the most intimidating thing she’d ever seen.

“You… want… that’s supposed to go inside of me?”

Brinley looked down at the object between her legs, then back at Annalise, head slightly tilted. “Yeah, why?”