“And how much sex did you have with this friend last night?”

Brinley let out an involuntary sigh as she thought about the night before and this morning. After Brinley went down on Annalise, Annalise repaid the favor right back to her. They made each other come two more times after that before collapsing into a sweaty pile of limbs and falling asleep. At some point throughout the night, their bodies had moved and when Brinley woke up, Annalise was in her arms as she held her from behind. She lay there quietly for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment, until she had no choice but to get up and shower. Not even a minute after getting into the shower, a groggy, but very sexy, Annalise asked to join her. Of course, that led to shower sex and the two of them getting more dirty before they actually got clean.

“That much, huh?”

Maddie’s sarcastic remark brought Brinley back to the present moment. She slapped Maddie’s shoulder playfully. “Mind your own business. A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”

Maddie moved her eyes across the whole bar. “Interesting. I don’t see any ladies around here.”

Brinley rolled her eyes. “Ha. Ha. Very funny.”

Maddie’s gaze traveled over to the table in the corner where Annalise was sitting reading a book. “I’m going to go see if she wants anything to drink.”

Brinley grabbed Maddie’s shirt as she began to walk away. “Absolutely not. I’ll take care of her.”

“I’m sure you will,” Maddie said sarcastically, the shit-eating grin on her face one that Brinley would want to slap right off if she didn’t love her so much.

Brinley mixed together a fruity drink she knew Annalise would love and carried it over to her table. “I thought maybe you could use a drink,” she said as she sat it down on the table.

Annalise looked at her phone then held it up toward Brinley. “Really? It’s not even ten a.m. yet.”

“But it’s for Jesus,” Brinley joked.

“In that case…” Annalise picked up the glass, sniffed it once, then closed her eyes as she took a sip. She moaned softly and it made Brinley’s insides turn, thinking of the last time she heard that sound from Annalise. When she opened her eyes back up, a small smile parted her lips. “That’s really good. It’s also the only one I can have, or I won’t be able to fulfill my duties as your study partner.”

Brinley leaned against the table so she could get closer to Annalise. “Can’t have that now, can we?” She leaned even closer so their faces were only inches apart. She bit her bottom lip and ran her eyes over Annalise’s face. “We also want to make sure you’re ready for what comes after studying.”

Annalise lifted one eyebrow so slightly that Brinley would have missed it if they weren’t so close. “Should I be scared?” she asked flirtatiously.

“I’ll be gentle.” Brinley lowered her voice slightly, making sure her tone was sultry. “Until you tell me not to be.”

When Annalise sucked in a quick, deep breath, Brinley knew her words had their desired effect. With their mouths just inches apart, the only thought on Brinley’s mind was how easy it would be to kiss Annalise right now. Except, obviously, she wasn’t going to do that. She didn’t even want to. It was clearly just a fleeting thought since she was still so horny from their morning together. Instead of a kiss, she backed away and winked at Annalise before turning around and heading back to the bar so she didn’t get in trouble for not doing her job.

Brinley spent the rest of her shift filling drinks, listening to Dale and others in attendance share their testimony, and stealing glances at Annalise. A few times when she looked over, Annalise was already staring at her, and they would share a smile or a goofy face before Brinley got back to work.

As the last person left the bar, about fifteen minutes after two, Dale walked over to Brinley and put a hand on her shoulder. “Now that everyone’s gone, want to introduce me to that little lady of yours?”

“She’s just a friend,” Brinley quickly corrected him.

Dale laughed and squeezed her shoulder. “I didn’t know that meant she wasn’t a lady.”

“I just didn’t want you to have the wrong idea. She’s not my girlfriend or anything.” Who am I trying to convince right now?

“Of course she’s not,” Dale said with another laugh, clearly not buying it. “Oh, look, here comes your not-girlfriend right now.”

Brinley looked up just in time to see Annalise standing on the other side of the bar. “We were just coming over to see you.” She pointed toward Dale. “Annalise, this is my boss, Dale. Dale, this is my friend, Annalise.”

Dale took his hand off Brinley’s shoulder and held it out toward Annalise. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’d like to say I’ve heard a lot about you, but this one is a closed book.”

“Maybe if you didn’t work me so hard, I’d be able to find the time to tell you stuff.”

“Interesting. You seem to find the time to chat up every woman who walks into this bar so I guess I don’t work you that hard.” Dale winked at Brinley then turned back toward Annalise. “It was really nice to meet you, kiddo. I wish I could chat more, but I told the wife we could go for a bike ride before it gets dark, so I better get going.”

“He’s sweet,” Annalise said as Dale walked around the bar and out through the back door.

“He’s just a big old teddy bear,” Maddie said as she joined them. “Why don’t you two head out? I can lock up.”

“Are you sure?” Brinley asked. She knew closing everything down would go faster with the two of them working together, but she also really needed to start studying.