The sound of a throat clearing behind her reminded Annalise that they weren’t alone. Funny how quickly the sight of Brinley standing in front of her could make her forget that fact.

She turned around and motioned toward the couch. “Brinley, this is my grandma and my best friend, Nathalie. Grandma and Nathalie, this is Brinley.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Annalise’s grandma said as she stood from the couch faster than Annalise had ever seen her move before. She walked over and held out a hand toward Brinley. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I’ve heard so much about you, too. It’s so great to have someone in my life who is as close to her grandma as I was to mine.”

For maybe the first time ever, Annalise’s grandma’s face went serious, her eyes down-turned and sad. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“It’s been a few years, but thank you so much. I still think about her every day. She was my best friend.” Now it looked like Brinley might cry.

Annalise’s grandma sat a hand against Brinley’s side. “I would never try to replace her, but if you ever want another grandma, I’m here.” She wiggled a finger at Annalise. “This one drives me crazy, so I’d be happy to turn her in for a newer, cooler model.”

Annalise laughed, thankful for some of the tension, no matter how sweet it was, to be broken. “Wow, thanks a lot, Gram.”

“And I’m Nathalie.”

Annalise hadn’t even noticed that Nathalie had gotten up from the couch, but now she was standing right next to Brinley with her hand outstretched. “Since my best friend tries to keep everything from me, applications are open for a new one if you’re interested.”

Brinley shook Nathalie’s hand but then looked over at Annalise and winked. “I’d say you have a pretty good one here.”

Did someone just turn the heat on? Annalise suddenly felt very hot. Unfortunately, she must not have been the only one to notice the moment between her and Brinley because her grandma and Nathalie shared another look as if to say, We knew it. Except whatever they thought they knew wasn’t the case at all. Brinley was her friend. Simple as that.

“Wine, anyone?” Annalise asked much louder than she meant to.

Brinley lifted an eyebrow ever so slightly but continued to smile at Annalise. “I’d love a glass.”

Luckily, once they all relaxed and started drinking, the rest of the time went past pretty seamlessly. Annalise’s grandma didn’t try to pull any baby pictures out of her big purse, and Nathalie didn’t tell any embarrassing stories from their high school or college years. It was actually a lot like every other Wine Wednesday . They joked around, gossiped, and laughed a lot. Brinley fit in perfectly. She could hold her own against Nathalie, sweeten it up for Annalise’s grandma, and still had a way of making Annalise feel like the center of her world even when she didn’t have her full attention on her. None of her exes had ever been able to do that. Most of the guys she dated all but ignored her when there were other people around, and Grant was the complete opposite. He was so focused on Annalise when other people were around, he didn’t pay attention to anyone else. It was kind of embarrassing and extremely annoying, but she put up with it because she knew he meant well.

Annalise was also pleasantly surprised when it was her grandma and Nathalie who decided it was time for them to go an hour and a half into their time together. Some nights Wine Wednesday went on for hours, so she knew they were leaving to be polite and give her and Brinley some alone time. She actually considered asking them to stay, but when Brinley placed a hand high up on her thigh, all thoughts were wiped from her mind. She could see her grandma and Nathalie any time. She needed to take advantage of the woman sitting next to her, literally and figuratively.

Both Annalise and Brinley exchanged hugs with her grandma and Nathalie as the two of them loudly made their way out of the apartment. Once they couldn’t hear them anymore, which probably meant they were in the elevator, Brinley put an arm around Annalise’s waist and leaned into her. “They’re both awesome. I love them so much.”

Annalise laughed and leaned into Brinley as well, relishing in how good it felt to be so close to her. When did this become so natural? Annalise was starting to need Brinley in the same way she needed oxygen. Except… no, obviously not that much, because that would be crazy for a girl who was just her fuck buddy. “They’re something. That’s for sure.”

Brinley yawned as if she hadn’t slept in days. “Shit, I’m sorry. The combination of studying all day then drinking a bunch of wine has made me so tired.”

“Do you want to go to bed?” As much as Annalise wanted to touch Brinley, she was just as happy to hold her in her arms as she was to have sex with her. Again, a pretty weird thought to have about the woman who was literally supposed to be teaching her about sex.

“You didn’t invite me over to sleep.”

“Maybe not, but I also didn’t plan on forcing you into spending time with my grandma and best friend.”

Brinley scoffed. “Stop. I was happy to spend time with them.”

“And I’m happy to just spend time with you .” Annalise refused to overthink why she meant those words so much. Instead, she massaged her fingers through Brinley’s hair and smiled at the way she hummed contently in response.

“If we’re going to go to bed, which I have to admit, doesn’t sound that terrible with how tired I am, we at least have to be naked. I would feel like a terrible teacher if I didn’t at least let you objectify me a little tonight.”

“Deal.” Annalise took Brinley’s hand and led her into her room. Sex or no sex, she couldn’t let another second pass without seeing this woman naked.

Chapter 10


Brinley felt like she was floating as she walked into work the next day. She never thought she could feel so good after a night of not having sex, but she did. Even though she would never admit this to anyone and it hurt to even admit it to herself, snuggling with Annalise naked was just as good as having sex with her. Well, almost. She was still human, but it was pretty amazing.

She smiled as she looked down at her phone and read the text Annalise had just sent her. I owe you a study session. I’m so sorry the wine made that impossible last night.