Page 28 of Falling For Who

“Works for me.” I go to the back of the shop and grab one of the stools that I know the Fairfields keep back there. When I come out carrying it, I notice Payton staring at me. “My legs are killing me from running a ton at basketball practice,” I explain. “They are trying to whip us into shape.”

“Makes sense.” There is a short awkward silence before Payton speaks again. “So, what’s new?”

“Not much.” When I think about my notes to and from my mystery girl, that feels like a lie. Everything seems new right now. “Life has been… strange… lately. A good strange, though.”

“Yeah?” A small smile parts Payton’s lips.

“Yeah.” I smile too, and the silence grows between us again. It’s my fault. I’m stuck inside my own head thinking about the girl that I know so well, yet don’t know at all. Or do I actually know her better than I think? What a mind fuck.

“Looks like there’s a lot going on inside your head right now.”

Payton’s voice pulls me from thoughts, but I shake my head. “No. I’m—” Wait a second. I’ve wanted to talk to someone on the outside, and Payton is exactly that person. She doesn’t go to my school. The only mutual friends we have are the people we work with at the ice cream shop. It’s actually perfect. That is, if Payton doesn’t mind listening. “Actually, can I talk to you about something?”

Payton perks up a bit at my question. “Of course. You can talk to me about anything, Marjorie.”

I take a deep breath, because I know this is going to be a very long-winded explanation. “Well, I’ve been exchanging notes back and forth with someone at my school through my locker, and the thing is, I don’t know who it is. She doesn’t want me to know, and as much as I like what I’ve learned about her through the notes, I’m not sure if I want to know either. The thing is, she’s made it clear that we interact beyond these notes, and I don’t know the extent to which we do, but I do know there’s no one in my real, physical world that I have a crush on right now. There was one person, but that crashed and burned. I’m just confused how I clearly don’t feel the same connection when we’re physically together as I do when reading these notes. I’m afraid if I find out who the person is, the magic will be lost. But what if the magic’s there and I’m just missing what’s right in front of me?” I shake my head. “No. That’s crazy. That only happens in the movies. I don’t know. I’m just slowly losing my mind, but I also don’t think I care.”

Payton blows out a long breath as if she was holding hers the whole time I was rambling. “Wow. That’s… a lot. I’m really sorry. It sounds like a ton to have on your shoulders. Shit. I’m sorry. I’m also sorry I can’t seem to form words right now.” She laughs and it causes me to laugh along with her. She probably thinks I’m completely insane right now.

“You don’t have to be sorry. I might be confused, but this is also the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m really content with where I’m at.” Now, I’m the one to laugh first. “Even if it doesn’t sound like that.”

“Well, I’m glad. You deserve that.”

“Thanks. Now that I’ve aired my current life story to you, is there anything you need to get off your chest?” I point to the empty parking lot. “It looks like we have plenty of time.”

I’m not sure if Payton is looking at me or beyond me as she furrows her eyebrows. “Delilah?”

What about Delilah? “You want to get Delilah off your chest?”

“No.” She points behind me.

I turn around in my stool and jump about five feet in the air when I see Delilah standing right behind me. I was so caught up in my conversation with Payton, I didn’t even hear her come in. “What are you doing here? I didn’t see your name on the schedule.”

Delilah strips off her jacket and puts on her visor. “Mrs. Fields called and asked if I could come in since they aren’t going to be able to at all. When she told me it was you two working, I thought it would be a fun girls’ time.”

“Girls’ time it is then.” I rub my hands together mischievously, because I know exactly how to make Delilah blush. I might not see her as anything more than a friend, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy how cute she looks when her face turns red. “So, Delilah Howard, any guys from our school lucky enough to catch the eye of the smartest girl in eleventh grade?”

As predicted, her face turns the cutest shade of red. Before she answers, there is a chime indicating that someone is coming in the door. Delilah nods her head in that direction. “I better help them.”

I smile to myself because she may have avoided the question, but she gave me exactly what I wanted.

Chapter 13

*Love Interest*

I’m in over my head. The longer this goes on, the more I feel like I’m living a double life. I’m starting to feel really guilty, but there’s no turning back now. I know the notes mean a lot to both me and Marjorie, but I can’t let her know who I am, so what am I supposed to do? All I can do is enjoy this and keep trying to convince myself that I’m doing the right thing. That I’m not a terrible person for playing one role in the notes and a completely different role in real life. I don’t have any other choice. I had no way of knowing it would become this way between us.

I shake all of these thoughts from my head as I stare down at the newest note from Marjorie.

It’s Thanksgiving day, which means I won’t be able to put this note on my locker for you for another four days and probably won’t hear back for five or six. I equally love and hate the wait. Okay… maybe it’s not equal. I love talking to you, so waiting to hear back is torture. But when I find a note from you in my locker, it’s totally worth the wait. I think the wait makes it that much more exciting.

Have you written more than a chapter yet? You know I’m going to ask you that in every single note. I don’t care if it’s annoying. This world deserves to see your words in print. You know? No, they actually don’t. But YOU do. That’s what really matters.

First game as a varsity starter in two weeks. I’m freaking out. I wish you could be there. Maybe you will. Will you? <- you don’t have to answer that.

Anyway, I’m freaking out. I’ve worked so hard for this and now this is my chance to prove myself. What if I mess up? What if I fall flat on my face or do something stupid that loses the game for us? I’m not sure if you know this or not, but our first game is against Griffin Hill. Of course. Even more pressure starting out with a game against our BIGGEST RIVALS. It’s fine. I’m fine.

I hope you’re having the greatest day. Tell me something about your Thanksgiving that I wouldn’t already know.