Alek scowled. “That’s not what we discussed.”

“I trust you to stop if I tell you to stop.” Ian scooted and twisted until he was on his back.

Alek chewed on his tongue. His eyes shifted to the window and back again. Did he see the fox?

“Please,” Ian begged.

In a burst of motion, like he couldn’t stand another second of Ian’s anguish, Alek hooked his arms under Ian’s legs and pushed all the way in.

“Mine,” Alek said on a groan, emphasizing the declaration with another thrust.

“Yours,” Ian somehow managed to say, even as his back bowed and all cogent thought escaped him.

Alek pulled back and fisted Ian’s cock in his hand.

“No,” Ian grunted.

Alek froze.

“No hands,” Ian explained. “Rest your hands.”

“You prick.” Alek pushed Ian playfully into the sofa. “I thought…” He raked his hair back from his face. “Okay. I’ll try to be good.”

Alek curled back over Ian and fucked him with unbridled fervor. His emerald eyes made promises without words. Declarations of love and devotion. Vows to cherish and keep.

Ian was going to come, but he wouldn’t go without Alek. He lifted up and said against Alek’s ear the only word he knew would push Alek over the edge too, “Mine.”

Alek’s eyes burned with unabashed reverence, his mouth falling open as his body chased its last frantic, desperate thrusts. In the end, they came together, like they’d held hands and jumped off a cliff, but there wasn’t any gravity and instead of falling they were flying.

“Yours,” Alek said as he collapsed and buried his face in Ian’s neck.

Alek didn’t pull out until long after his dick softened, like he didn’t want to let go, like he wanted to stay inside of Ian forever. When they did finally part, it was only to clean up and then Alek was back on top with his head resting over Ian’s heart.

Ian absentmindedly toyed with Alek’s hair. “Thank you for that.”

“I take it you enjoyed yourself then?”

“You think?” Ian kissed the top of Alek’s head.

“No spiraling?”

“No.” Ian hugged Alek tighter against him. “I hope you won’t be mad, but the psychiatrist has an opening to see you on video chat tomorrow morning and I told her you’d be there.”

Alek sighed. “No. That’s good.”

Ian looked to the window. “Is the fox still there?”

Alek followed his gaze. “No, but I can hear her. Not as loud. Like she’s far away.”

Ian looked at the clock. “Why don’t you try the sleeping pill and see if you feel better when you wake up?”

Alek nodded and let Ian lead him up the stairs to their bed where he held Alek tightly in his arms. Instead of counting sheep, Ian counted each strand of midnight hair on Alek’s head with a prayer to a god he didn’t believe in.Please let Alek be okay. Please let him be happy. Please let him be whole again. Please.