“I think so too. I can’t wait for it to grow back.”

Alek gave a ghost of a smile. “I never thought I’d hear you say that.”

“The wisteria earned its keep.” Ian parked the truck and pulled the keys from the ignition. He turned to Alek. “Let me help you out.”

Alek bristled. “I don’t need your help.”

“You’re right. Don’t deprive me of the chance to feel you up.”

Alek rolled his eyes and unbuckled his seatbelt.

Ian fastened the seatbelt back over Alek’s lap. There was no way he was letting Alek cross the uneven forest floor and climb the stairs by himself.

“I’m serious,” Ian said. “Do this for me, okay? If anything happens to that pretty head of yours… I can’t lose you again.”

Alek’s cheek hollowed.

Ian tapped his knuckle against the spot. “Stop pouting. You’re going to have to tolerate some level of fussing from me. It doesn’t make you weak. It means I care about you.”

Alek said nothing, his eyes fixated on the Victorian until, at long last, he nodded once.

“Thank you.” Ian hopped out of the truck and hustled to the passenger side before Alek could go rogue, but Alek hadn’t moved an inch and he didn’t turn to look at Ian when he opened the door. Ian reached over Alek’s lap and unlatched his seatbelt.

“Come on.” Ian swiveled Alek towards him and pulled him to the edge of the seat. “Let’s get you inside.”

“I think I need a kiss for courage,” Alek said with an anemic half-smile.

Ian didn’t hesitate. Emotions swelled, far too big and conflicted to contain. Alek was home and in his hands. He channeled all of his tangled emotions into a kiss he hoped telegraphed to Alek exactly how much he loved him, with or without his music, whether his body and mind were broken ornot. Even if Alek never healed. If he never got anything back that he’d lost. Whatever Alek had done, whatever lies he had told, Ian would always love him.

Ian dropped his hands down to Alek’s ass and pulled him closer. If he had any less control, he would have fucked Alek into oblivion right then and there, but even as the corners of his mind went fuzzy with want and need and Alek, Alek, Alek, he was still in control. He would keep Alek safe, no matter how much he wanted to feel him wrapped around his cock.

Ian helped him down from the truck and kicked the door closed with his foot, releasing Alek when he was sure he had his feet underneath him. He checked Alek over. He was breathing fast, but he looked well enough—his cheeks were flushed, eyes bright and alert—and besides, Ian was breathing fast too.

Ian began to ask, “Are you?—”

“If you ruin that kiss by asking me if I’m okay, I will never forgive you.”

Ian grinned. “I was going to ask if you were ready.” He lifted two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

Alek’s nose wrinkled, his eyes narrowed into a suspicious scowl so distinctly Alek that Ian’s heart twinged and he fought the urge to kiss him all over again.

“Come on, then.” Ian linked their arms.

When they approached the patch of freshly disturbed earth where Alek had landed, Ian tried to steer Alek around it, but Alek trampled right through the spot, seemingly unaware.

Alek made it up the stairs, only tripping once and pretending, unconvincingly, that he hadn't. When they reached the front door, Ian thrust his key into the lock and twisted the knob. The door opened with a long, eerie creak. Alek disappeared inside the dark house, his footsteps echoing on the heart of pine floors.

Behind Ian, the forest was too quiet, like it was waiting, like it was holding its breath.



“So, where are we sleeping tonight?” Ian asked, hanging his keys on the hook beside the door.

Alek closed his eyes and breathed in. Dust and old things, lumber, lemon, clove. Home.

He opened his eyes. “Our room.”