“That’s it, love. You’re almost ready for me, aren't you?”

More lube was added, and then finally,finally, Ian pronounced him ready.

Alek looked over his shoulder to find Ian holding a condom packet in his hand. “Have you slept with anyone since we broke up?”

Alek shook his head, summoning the words to answer, “There’s only you. Only ever you.”

Ian stilled, probably because Alek had very intentionally repeated the vow he’d first told him, the same vow that Ian had promised in return on that last dark night they’d been together.

“You’re not speaking English,” Ian said in Bulgarian. Terrible Bulgarian.

In English, Alek lied, “I thought you’d find it more romantic in my native tongue.”

“Liar,” Ian teased with a thrust against Alek’s ass. Ian set the condom on the tabletop in Alek’s line of sight. “I didn’t have sex with anyone else either.”

“Oh my god, Ian! I know that. Are you going to fuck me or not?”

“So demanding,” Ian said with a laugh, so that Alek was caught completely off guard when the head of Ian’s lubed up dick pressed against him… and then disappeared. “You know what?” Ian pinned Alek to the table with a hand between his shoulder blades. “I’m starting to worry about this table too, and I can’t see your face and I want to see your eyes when I put my dick inside you.” Ian’s hand left him, and the cold caress of displaced air and footsteps heavy on the marble meant that he was already running. From a distance, Ian called, “First one to our room gets to top.”

“Cheating prick,” Alek grumbled to himself and pushed off the table before running after him. “You’ll pay for that.”



The floorboards creaked. Ian held his breath.

“Ian?” Alek called. “If you’re going to jump scare me, it’ll be the last thing you do.”

“I wasn’t going to scare you so much as tackle you.” Lifting both hands, Ian emerged from behind the door. “I call a truce. Get on the bed, love, and let me make you come again.”

Alek chewed on his tongue, likely debating the merits of revenge over surrender. With a curt nod, he climbed onto the bed, his long body stretched out, his dick standing straight up. Ian wanted to suck him again, but he wouldn’t risk Alek’s ire. Instead, he covered Alek’s body with his own, helping Alek push his knees up, and with another generous helping of lube, slowly pushed his way inside.

Alek’s head tilted back and his eyes slammed shut.

“Let me see those eyes I thought I’d never see again,” Ian reminded, waiting to sink in deeper until Alek complied. He didn’t have to wait long. Parting thick eyelashes, Alek gave Ian a look so unguarded and desperate that Ian felt like he was going to die if he didn’t put Alek out of his misery. On a single, careful thrust, Ian buried deep.

“About time,” Alek grunted and wrapped his hands around Ian’s hips, joining them closer.

Ian nipped a bite to Alek’s lower lip. “You feel so good wrapped around my cock, love. Back home where you belong.”

Alek moaned his agreement.

Ian pressed his forehead to Alek’s, cradled the back of his head in both hands, and began to move. Each thrust was pleasure, and a promise too.

“I’ll never leave you,” Ian said. “I’m yours forever and after that too. I won’t let you get hurt. I’ll keep you safe.”

Maybe marriage really was nothing more than a legal document, because as far as Ian was concerned, he was saying his vows right now and what joined them was so much more than mere matrimony and the label of husband was woefully inadequate to describe the way their souls were chained together.

Anyone else would think that the hell Alek had put him through was unforgivable—his lies to conceal, to trick, to hurt—but Alek wasn’t Lucifer cast out of heaven. He was Lucifer redeemed, an otherworldly beauty with a soul of secrets dark and twisted, the giver of a love so rare it was precious, and so Ian worshiped Alek with tithes of kisses, ardent accolades of praise, vows of unending loyalty, and love and love and love.

For each of Ian’s breathless vows, Alek had one of his own. “I’ll never leave you again. I promise. I’ll never hurt you again.” And when he ran out of vows, Alek chanted like he was casting a spell, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

Alek’s back arched, tears tracked from the corners of his eyes, his fingernails dug hard into Ian’s back, and then it was like the entire world was folding in on itself and an apocalypse was all around and Ian would die over and over again if it meant he could die like this.

Hot come exploded between them as Alek’s body tightened, and then Ian was coming too, and when the dust settled, Ian wasafraid to look around because they’d fucked like two gods warring, the love between them so magic he worried that maybe the world really had ended, and the paradise of them reunited again was the closest he would get to heaven, that he’d forsaken the entire world, forfeited eternity, so long as he could be with Alek and he would. He fucking would.

That night, Alek still had nightmares, but when Ian woke him with a kiss, Alek didn’t flinch awake, shaking and afraid. Instead he pushed Ian into the mattress and forced two consecutive orgasms, and threatened a third unless Ian apologized for teasing, which Ian promptly did because the trouble with being multiorgasmic was that if Alek was in a vindictive sort of mood, there was definitely such a thing as too much of a good thing.