Cassiesipped her wine and suppressed a giggle. “Iassume you succeeded?”
Kimnodded. “Beyondmy wildest dreams.”
“Andthe problem?”
“He’llregret it or resent me for stopping the conversation.”
Cassiereleased a breath as she stood. “Wow, that’s a lot to dissect,Kim.Howabout some wine before we get started?”
AfterSaturday’sgame,FCU’sAD,JoshMatthews, arranged a private pool party for the team and invited each player to bring one guest.Spencerelaxed when he saw most of the team electing to stay at the hotel to celebrate the win but askedCoachRamirezif he should go with the group headed for the beach.
“Nottonight,Spencer.Davisorganized transportation for the guys and will ensure they have a fun and safe evening.”HeslappedSpence’sshoulder. “You’reoff duty; just enjoy yourself.”
Hethought about callingKimbut hesitated.Don’twant to interrupt her time withCassie.Wonderif she watched the game.Didshe see my three-run homer?
WhileSpencesat near the pool, his mind drifted toKim.He’dbacked off when she interrupted him when he tried to suggest they take a pause.Didn’thesitate to take her up on her suggestion to “make me feel better.”Yeah, she sure did… our twenty-plus-hour escape from this mess.Howwill we—I—feel next week?
Themoment he stepped off the bus when the team returned to campus,Spencefelt apprehension creeping into his mind.Heinstinctively looked forKim, disappointed—relieved?—when he didn’t see her.HedeclinedTodd’ssuggestion they go off campus for a meal and instead picked up a boxed supper the athletic staff provided.
Whilehe ate, he looked over his schedule for the week.Two-a-day practices, midterm prep, assignments due, study, plus a weekend series at home.DoubleheaderSaturday.That’lltest our new line-up.Followedby exams.Inthe past,Spencehad welcomed crunch times, knowing he could elevate his performance as needed.Now, he felt weary just thinking about the upcoming weeks.Ifwe didn’t have the investigation hanging over the team…
SpencecalledKimas he unpacked his bag, tossing clothes into the laundry basket.
“Isthis my all-star shortstop?”Kimgreeted.
“Inyour dreams, babe,”Spencesaid.
“Youguys swept the series.Prettyimpressive, if you ask me.”
“Yeah, the new guys did amazingly well…”Hepaused. “Hey, do you mind ifIcome by for a few?”
“Ofcourse not.Justreviewing my notes…. notebooks,” she amended. “Icould use a distraction.”
Spenceheard the chuckle in her soft laugh.Yep,Isure do remember that distraction,KimberlyMartin.Ashe walked across campus,SpenceimaginedKimseated cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by books, study guides, and notebooks.Whenthey studied together, he never had trouble concentrating.Theytook turns quizzing each other, enjoyed periodic breaks that might include a kiss or five, and time passed without either realizing it.Whydoubt that now?
Whenshe met him at the entrance, he hugged her but resisted the temptation to crush her against him. “Missedyou,Popcorn.”
“Metoo,Spence.Comein.”Sheled him up the stairs, grasping his hand as they walked to her room.
“Nosocial hour today?”Spencereferred to the quiet hall.
“Catchingup after partying this weekend,Iguess.”Kimlooked at him, and he saw the teasing smile crossing her lips. “Soundedlike a good time for all.”
Spenceshrugged. “Yeah,Iheard the students partied like it’s spring break.”
“Practicingfor the big week?”Kimopened the door and led him inside.
“CanIget you something to drink?”Kimasked.Shenoted the faint signs of tension—exhaustion?—etched on his face.Pointingto theLilyof theValleyon the kitchen counter, she said. “Look, this beautiful plant’s still blooming.”Nervousmuch,Kim?What’swith that?
“Youhave a green thumb,Popcorn.”
Sheshook her head. “Nope,Ihave a wonderful…friend… who’s an expert on non-allergenic, impossible-to-kill blooming plants.”Awkwardmuch,Martin?
IfSpencenoticed her choice of words, he didn’t react, “Pureluck,Kim.Youknow when to water it, how much direct sunlight it needs.”Henodded toward the refrigerator. “I’llget that water—you want one?”
“Sure.Haveyou had dinner?Uneatenwrap in there…”