Page 78 of Winning Play

“Iwon’t mention those stats; don’t want to jinx him.”

Davenodded. “Iget it.Justlike we don’t mentionPKstats for theSuns…”

“Orwin streaks, minutes without allowing a goal!”Kimfinished with a laugh. “Wheredo you thinkIlearned that?”


“Right.You’remy brother with no superstitions.”


Kimsmiled innocently. “Never.”


Aftera decisive shutout victory overOrlando, the team celebration began as soon as the players hit the locker room.Theseniors voted to award the game ball toIvanWestgate, who pitched six shutout innings.

“Yougot him out of his head, for sure,”SpencetoldToddin a low voice. “Gothim on a roll, just throwing strikes.”

“Bestouting yet,”Andersonsaid. “Hecould play a significant role heading into the playoffs.”

“Justdon’t tell him,”EricMarsdencommented. “Hethinks he’s still trying to make the team.”

Spenceshook his head and stepped over to congratulateWestgate. “Youpitched like a machine,Westie.Greateffort—congratulations!”

Thefreshman flushed as he shook his head. “Greatdefense behind me.Youguys had my back all afternoon.”

“Teameffort.Youcoming to our celebration tonight?”

“Wouldn’tmiss it,Captain.”

Spencewatched as theFCUAthleticsDepartment’smedia coordinator tapped several players for post-game media availability.Whenhe exchanged glances with the intern, he nodded, grabbed a fresh team shirt, pushed his damp hair away from his face, and pulled his hat over it.Hefollowed the group into the large room where the local and regional media waited and accepted the bottle of water the trainer offered.

Theyall knew the drill.TheSportsInformationDirectorintroduced each player as he stepped up on the raised dais and sat where indicated.Toddsat besideSpenceand double-checked that the sign before him had the correct name.

Spencecovered the microphone. “Wantto switch?”

Toddlaughed quietly. “Nothanks.I’llbe out of here long before you,County.”

Theveteran players enjoyed a congenial relationship with the media.Somerepresented theUniversity; others ranged from long-time reporters assigned toFCUbaseball to occasional correspondents forESPN, theAthletic, and well-known bloggers.Spencelistened carefully to each question and the player’s response—ready to clarify comments or assist a young teammate who stumbled in a reply.Theplayers attended annual media relations seminars, role-playedQ&Asessions, and learned to defer a question to a senior teammate, captain, or coach.

Spencedeflected a question asking if the game againstOrlandoforeshadowed the conference tournament. “Everyonesaw their talent today—outstanding throughout the line-up.Youknow both teams will continue to improve.Shouldmake for an exciting season for the fans—our conference looks the most competitive sinceIjoined theSurge.”

CoachRamirezstepped to the table, signaling the players to leave.Manyplayers continued celebrating in the clubhouse, butSpencetextedKimand headed to the showers.

Kimwatched players trickle from the stadium, obviously pumped by the win.PedroCastillewaved hello and invited her to join them at an off-campus celebration—echoed by several teammates.

“Congrats, guys!Youall played awesome.Hugewin.”Kimlooked atDavewhen he chuckled.

“Predicta rowdy group.”

“Hopenot.CoachRamirezhas a zero-tolerance policy about underage drinking.”

“Goodluck with that.”Davenodded toward the sidewalk to their right. “There’sSpence.”

Kimresisted the urge to run toward him and fling herself into his arms.Shesaw his blue eyes gleam when he met her gaze, then hooked his arm around her and kissed her cheek before greetingDave.

“Goodgame, man.”Daveclapped his hand onSpence’sshoulder.