Page 73 of Winning Play

“Prettygood—had two classes, but she’s wiped out now.I’mtaking her lunch.”

“Oh, thought you were carb-loading early forSaturday’sgame,”Ericsaid, smirking.


“TellKimthe guys are anxious to give her the trophy,”Toddadded.

AfterusingKim’scard to return to her dorm building,Spenceknocked softly on her door as he opened it.Heknew by her groggy voice that she had fallen asleep.

“Sorry.”Spenceset the bag on the table, then sat besideKimon the couch. “Whydon’t you take a nap?I’llput the food in the fridge.”

“I’lltake a nap afterIeat.Whatyou brought smells delicious.”Kimleaned her head against his shoulder. “IthinkI’llrally.”

Spenceput his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “I’llfix a plate for you.”

“Ican sit at the table.”Kimstood and tugged his hand. “Iknow you’re hungry.”

Spencesmiled as he stood beside her.Happyto see the sparkle back in her eyes.Maybethe worst has passed?Missmy spunky, brown-eyed girl.

“Tellme what happened last week,”Kimasked as she sipped the hot and sour soup. “Ifeel likeI’min a vacuum.”

“We’llget you up to speed, babe.Ican't tell you how empty the campus felt without you.Imissed you—so did the guys on the team.Theywant to plan a small celebration when you feel up to a trip toPizza&Wings.”

“Fun—Ihope we can do that soon.”Shewatched his blue eyes darken when they met hers.WhatwouldIdo withoutSpence?Sheset her fork on her plate and leaned toward him, propping her chin in her palm. “Feelsso good to sit here with you again.IloveDaveandLauren, butIfelt…lost?…without you.I’mprobably not making sense.”

Hereached to brush her hair away from her face. “Makesperfect sense to me.”Heleaned to kiss her. “I’mincredibly happy you’re back on campus.”

Thekiss and his words sparked an electrical surge throughKim’sbody.Shefingered the hair on the back of his head. "I'menjoying this a little too much,ChathamSpencer."

Shesaw his blue eyes flash mischievously. “Oh, you can't enjoy this too much, babe.”Hekissed her again, intensifying the emotions.Heleaned his forehead against hers. “Wantto try some homework?Ormaybe we could… rest?”

Kimgrinned, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. "Ithink a short nap will give me a second wind.Careto join me—afterIdevour this delicious feast?”

Kimglanced atSpenceas they ate and felt her emotions bubbling inside her.Didhe mean whatIthink he implied—“Youcan’t enjoy this too much?”Doeshe want to continue playing the fake boyfriend—or is he saying he wants me as his girlfriend?AmIready for a new relationship and open my heart to hurt?IknowIcan trustSpencenot to treat me likeFinn, but…SherealizedSpencehad finished his sandwich and now studied her expression.

“What’sgoing on in your mind,KimberlyMartin?”

“Youknow, withFinnout of the picture, you don’t have to pretend you’re my boyfriend any longer.”Embarrassed, she shifted her eyes toward the window.Don’twant to see any relief in his eyes.

Spencedidn’t speak for a beat.Hetouched her face to persuade her to look at him.

“WhosaysIwas ‘pretending,’Kim?”Thatcrooked smile made her heart contract, and a rush of heat spread through her body.

“But… but that’s what we agreed.”

“Babe, you must knowI’vebeen crazy about you since the night we met at the arena.Ididn't want to risk scaring you away afterIlearned you had just gone through a rough breakup.Ourfriendship grew, andI’veknown for a long time thatIwant more with you.”Spenceshrugged, his lips quirking slightly. “If‘playing’ your boyfriend helped you cope withHendricks,Iwas all in.Ididn’t have topretendanything.”

Spencesaw the questions and hesitation play across her face and lightly brushed his fingers against her cheek. “Youdon’t need to say anything,Kim, if you don’t feel likeIdo—or if you’re not ready to explore where our relationship takes us.Wecan remain friends… best friends.Nopressure,Popcorn.”

“Ido want to see if our feelings can go beyond friendship…I’mjust hesitant to…”

“What, babe?”

“Idon’t want to lose you as my best friend.I’malso worriedIdon’t know how to be a girlfriend.IletFinnwalk all over me, break promises, and not show up for dates—Iallowed it.Whatdoes that say about my character?”

Spencepulled his chair beside hers and put his arm around her shoulders. “You’rewonderful and trusting,Kim.Yougive people the benefit of the doubt.That’snot letting anyone walk over you—you don’t think it’s possible that anyone would purposely break a promise.”

Kimsnort-laughed. “Itonly took me a year and a half to figure that out.”